hopefully a repair

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Well-known member
May 12, 2004
Toronto, Canada
When I went to see my surgeon 2 months ago he told me that I would definitely have my mitral valve repaired. When I go in for my pre-op the docs will discuss what valve I should have if something unexpected should occur. I do not want a mechanical valve. I am 44 yrs. of age and fairly active. I snowboard, mountain bike, golf and play hockey, and for this reason I do not want to be on blood thinners. I also have a cabin in the woods up here in Canada and do small carpentry prjects and chop down trees around the property when necessary. I am concerned that blood thinners would radicaaly change the way I live my life. I understand that I will not be able to do all the things I do now. The best scenerio of course is that I come out of surgery with the repair....I am looking for suggestions as an alternate to the mechanical valve... or am I wrong about my assumptions?
Thanks JD
You'll most likely be repaired, but in the event that your not, no matter what you choose, it will be a good choice. Coumadin is not the big ugly monster that so many medical professionals make it out to be. It does have some draw backs such as frequent INR testing, most likely heparin drips when getting ready for a major surgery or invasive procedure etc,.

I used to be a "Go Mechanical" person, but lately, I see nothing wrong with a tissue valve either. Some of them are getting 20+ years and still going. It doesn't matter what you choose, there is always the possibility of reoperation no matter what. If you want a tissue valve, then get a tissue valve. I still think your going to get a repair though. ;)