deboraginastewart said:
Great picture< Danny! You sure have a a bunch of beautiful dogs! I've added this photo to my VR album too. Hope you don't mind. Everyone here knows I love collecting pictures of the members I get on well with and I've been doing it for a while now. There was a time I even started a thread called FAMILY PHOTOS and lots of folks shared their pics and liked the idea.
BUNCH!!!!! Three don't make no bunch here where I live. A lot of dawgs here are used as hunting dogs. I know one guy who at one time had about 15. Now thats a BUNCH. Had to be careful when you drove down his driveway to avoid running over any of them. Finally got too old to take care of them (and hunt too) so he finally gave and sold them.
All the dogs we had before were "inside" dogs, small ones. The last one passed away about 2 years ago. He made 17 years with us before he passed on. Was one of the saddest days of our life. When you have one that long, he becomes more than "just part of the family"
) are probably the best friend anyone would want (maybe other than those "mistrained" Pit Bulls). You can yell and scream, kick at them, hit them, etc, and they will continue to give their unconditional love to you. When I come outside and they all three act like they haven't seen me in months (wasn't it 10 minutes ago I fed them), it sure is hard not to just drop what I need to do and go play and love on them
. I think sometimes God sent a Dog to us to display "unconditional" devotion and forgiveness
. I think Cats were sent for another reason entirely (ANOTHER STORY SOMETIME)
As for the Pictures. I have not problem with you collecting "mine"
. Just promise me you will try to change the subject when someone gets to laughing so hard when they do see them
. And PLEASE, no comparing to "America's Most Wanted" or "FBI Photos"
As for sharing Albums here, I saw it done in a special way on one of my AICD sites. A member's car in the UK was hit by a drunk driver (DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE--THIS ADVERTISEMENT HAS BEEN PRESENTED BY VR.COM
) and was in a coma. One of the site members started a thread asking for everyone to post a recent picture and she would put them together and forward them to her husband who had been reporting on her progress. The member is now back home (has to use someone else to type her comments--still having trouble with her hands) and one thing she loves to mention is the picture album she first saw when she woke up.
May God Bless,