Home Health and Open Wounds

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Okay, so yesterday the Home Health nurse came to change the dressing over my wound (from removal of the infected ICD) where they have attached the VAC (vacuum assisted closure) device. This is the first time they've changed the dressing that my husband (a current nursing student) has been able to be present. He had been very disappointed to be in class while I'd been having the dressing changed all previous times (as well as when I had the PICC line put in).

Now when hubby couldn't be there my aunt was kind enough to be with me and hold my hand through the dressing change (which hurts like the dickens). SHE tends to flinch and when I had the PICC line put in almost passed out. Yesterday I got the complete oposite reaction from my husband. As the dressing came off his eyes lit up and the word "Cool" escaped his lips multiple times. He was fascinated by this "big gaping hole" in my chest. And he took pictures. He wants to take pictures along the way as I heal so that he can give them to his instructor for use as a visual aid when they get to wound care in class... (Funny, I don't remember being asked :rolleyes: )

Anyway, the pictures are the first time I've actually seen what this wound looks like without any dressing on it. I don't get to look at it because they don't want me to breathe on it (it's really close to my face). BOY is it GROSS! :eek::eek::eek: It's hard to look at the pictures and realize that hole is in ME! But at the same time it is oddly fascinating. If anyone is interested in seeing the pictures, I'm willing to share. I just didn't want to post them and gross out any unsuspecting readers. Just let me know. :D
Hi Nikki...

Hi Nikki...

I haven't been around much these past couple of weeks, as I have been helping my friend Bruce who had a massive heart attack 2 weeks ago, and I have just been exhausted, so I haven't posted much, but I just wanted to say that I am thinking of ya and I hope your getting to feel better real quick and that the wound is healing. Honestly, this year so far has been absolutely incredible hasn't it? I certainly hope it gets better for all of us...anyway, I hope everything is going much better for you. Sending Tons Of Hugs your way...Harrybaby :D :D :D
Niki, apparently your husband really LOVES his nursing studies! He's going to be an excellent nurse! My sister is a nurse and have found that she just really seems to be mildly fascinated by anything gross. I have a few friends that are nurses and they are the same way. So I'm not sure which came first - the fascination for the gross, or the desire to nurse, which makes the gross interesting. :)

Don't be insulted that we aren't asking you to post your pictures. :eek:
Ok Ok... I'll admit to the utter fascination with "gross things" such as gaping holes in places where they shouldn't be ANY holes...

Pre-requisite for being an EMT right? :p

Well if you're looking for someone to share with, you can "inflict" them on me...

Your husband sounds like he'll be a really big help (if he can put the camera down!) and that's a great asset to have. Just hope his fascinations don't get the better of him to the point where he forgets he's gotta living, breathing patient in his care.

For the record, I still marvel some at the scars on my torso from my valve replacement. Not so much the center line scar as much as all the stuff from internal bleeding episodes and the like... That area's STILL sensitive to the touch two years later.
Harpoon said:
Well if you're looking for someone to share with, you can "inflict" them on me...

Oh, boy! I get to share. :D I'll PM them to you so as not to "inflict" on those who are less than fascinated. ;)
I'll pass on the pictures too. But your husband sounds like my wife. She asked if there was any way she could watch my operation or at least get a video tape. Ugh!!! Now that would be an interesting "want to see my operation" reaction. They assured her that nothing would be available for her personally. I was thankful of that. Of course, I can't sit through "Fear Factor" when they eat all those things. My wife says it is cool. Not me.........