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Apr 14, 2011
Lantana, Texas (Dallas/Fort Worth area)
Had the Ross Procedure done by Dr. William Ryan at The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano in north Texas last Friday, April 29th at 7:30am CST. I had a bicuspid aortic valve. Dr. Ryan also performed a bypass on an artery on the back of my heart using a mammary artery in my chest.

Can't thank Dr. Ryan and his staff enough - and the Heart Hospital Baylor Plano is fantastic! You can really tell the folks working there want to be there. They worked efficiently, gave me plenty of time to rest and treated me and my family like guests.

I was released from the hospital on Tuesday, May 3rd at 3:00pm CST, a little more than four days following the conclusion of my surgery. The doctors chalked my shorter hospital stay to diligent adherence to regular hospital walks and use of the incentive spirometer. One even asked if I was an engineer or accountant (no). Anyway, I'm home and relatively pain-free. Of course, everything - EVERYTHING - seems to take a monumental amount of effort and energy. Wasn't quite prepared for that. Thankfully, I have a tremendous amount of support from family & friends or I know this wouldn't be going as well.

The doctors want me to take pain meds at night to sleep (but they really give me some interesting dreams, lying on my back in the recliner). I may take a Tylenol or two during the day, but that's mostly for muscle aches in my neck & shoulders, not from the incision or sternum pain.

If this is as bad as it gets, I've had an easy time of it, considering what a complex surgery it is. I wish everyone the best and hope everyone has a great recovery!
Wade - It sounds like you're one of those shining examples of what modern medicine can do for us. If everything goes as the docs plan, yours is the result they get. It is a wonderful mind-picture to share with folks who are still waiting in The Waiting Room.

Now if those of us who had complications would shut up. . . (self included) we would stop scaring the new members.

Glad you're back and doing so well. Keep us posted - we want to see how far you can come back how fast. Congratulations!
I agree... please shut up about the complications! LOL:tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

Great to hear that your surgery went so well. I am looking at the Ross Procedure as well so it's good to hear about all these good outcomes. I will be diligant about whatever the nurses and docs tell me... I'm a bit OCD like that anyway.
Wade glad to hear your doing so well! I also had my surgery at the same hospital. I had problems during mine and Dr Ryan came in and assisted Dr.Mack.Cant say
enough good things about the surgeons or the hospital. It is a first class facility.Your over the mountain now!
Wade - great to hear the surgery went so well. I had the Ross Procedure on 22 February and am now 10.5 weeks post-op. I'm feeling very well most of the time. Doing rehab a couple of times a week and trying to walk about 40-plus minutes a day. I had minimal incision pain. My worst pain was back/neck/shoulders, which improved as I started moving/walking more - and massage helped as well.
I slept most afternoons in my first couple of weeks at home but then stopped needing to do so - and it was interfering with my sleep at night as well. Take it easy and don't worry if you have a couple of down days. They come and go.
You made it! :)