Well-known member
Hi, all!
I just got home earlier this afternoon after having my PVCs and (news to me) sustained ventricular tachycardia ablated. Even my EP docs think I'm a weird case! I was in the procedure for 5 hours (seemed like only one hour to me, and I woke up towards the end in agonizing pain--felt like someone had set my heart and left arm on fire!).
I always thought I'd had non-sustained VTach, but according to my EP doctors, something happened after my valve repair where one of my chords was causing a faulty electrical impulse and making me have weird PVCs and also weird runs of sustained V-Tach (wasn't aware of the latter). The docs zapped the chord.
I even had VTach this AM when the Hubster was walking me around in the cardiac unit and didn't feel it. The nurse came running after me ro see if I was OK, but everything looks OK otherwise. I'm in much better shape than I was after my procedure in August. I'll see my cardio and the EP docs in 2 weeks, but my heart rhythm may not truly stabilize for three months (seems like it'll take that long from my heart to recover from its barbecue session).
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm fine, except for that huge, gaping hole in my left groin.
Looks like I'll be wearing my comfy pants to my mother-in-law's tomorrow.
Oh, yeah, I also thought it was hilarious when I came upon an item in my chart pre-procedure--a letter my EP doc had sent my cardio that read, "It was a pleasure consulting with your very young patient..." What am I? Twelve? But on the larger scale, I am younger than most of my cardio's patients. Many of them think I'm a pharmaceutical sales rep, and even some of the reps think I'm one as well.
Again, a Merry Christmas Eve (almost!)
Debi (debster913)
I just got home earlier this afternoon after having my PVCs and (news to me) sustained ventricular tachycardia ablated. Even my EP docs think I'm a weird case! I was in the procedure for 5 hours (seemed like only one hour to me, and I woke up towards the end in agonizing pain--felt like someone had set my heart and left arm on fire!).
I always thought I'd had non-sustained VTach, but according to my EP doctors, something happened after my valve repair where one of my chords was causing a faulty electrical impulse and making me have weird PVCs and also weird runs of sustained V-Tach (wasn't aware of the latter). The docs zapped the chord.
I even had VTach this AM when the Hubster was walking me around in the cardiac unit and didn't feel it. The nurse came running after me ro see if I was OK, but everything looks OK otherwise. I'm in much better shape than I was after my procedure in August. I'll see my cardio and the EP docs in 2 weeks, but my heart rhythm may not truly stabilize for three months (seems like it'll take that long from my heart to recover from its barbecue session).
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm fine, except for that huge, gaping hole in my left groin.
Oh, yeah, I also thought it was hilarious when I came upon an item in my chart pre-procedure--a letter my EP doc had sent my cardio that read, "It was a pleasure consulting with your very young patient..." What am I? Twelve? But on the larger scale, I am younger than most of my cardio's patients. Many of them think I'm a pharmaceutical sales rep, and even some of the reps think I'm one as well.
Again, a Merry Christmas Eve (almost!)
Debi (debster913)