Holy heparin I got airlifted to cleveland

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Michelle D

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
So my bnp when way up and so I moved my surgery to the 3rd if not sooner. In the meantime every eight hours I get a heparin shot, due any minute now. How do people tolerate this. The needle is nothing, it's the burning that is a problem.
Wow, quite a shock I imagine! Hang in there while waiting around for surgery. I'm glad your in good hands while you wait for surgery.
Thank GOD you finally went to get checked out. You were lucky you hadn't got so bad that your couldn't be airlifted and needed to have surgery at your local hospital. Well that's in the past, its really good you are where you need to be now. and on the plus side about the fact you didn't get checked earlier, it gave you time to get your nice electric recliner to recover in at when you get home :)
Since you are inpatient is there a reason they can't give you heperin thru your IV instead of shots in your stomache? IF you will be having them for a few more days, you might want to ask about that.
Since I'm up and about quite a bit the doctor will let me avoid the heparin shots but I have to wear the leg compression things, fine by me. I cried my eyes out after that heparin shot. I wish I had time to pack. My husband did an okay job but I wouldve liked to pack. I miss my dog too.
Heparin shouldn't sting if they let the alcohol dry before injecting it. Hey, at least you were awake to enjoy your flight. I always wanted to ride in a helicopter, but I don't remember a thing from my flight. I was basically dead by the time we got to CCF which is only a 25 minute flight from here.
I'm glad your husband was able to go up with you. Every time we take Justin either to the ER or to his heart doctors to check something we have a concern about, we always pack a bag for a few days worth of clothes for Justin and me and have it in the car "just in case". It also seems to be a "lucky" type thing, since it seems every time we didn't pack he ended up being admitted. But sometimes when we have the clothes we get to come home. Its easier for us tho since the furthest he has been is about an hour from home, so my husband could at least run home and grab things.
SEE they can move up surgeries if you shouldn't wait. how are you doing with this added stress and not smoking? I'll add that it isn't a problem to my list of other prayers for you.
I agree with Lyn. I'm so glad you got there in time and don't know why you can't have the heparin IV. Ask why. Or ask why you can't have something to alleviate the pain.
I get really annoyed about this because some nurses are just lax about it and others will move mountains to reduce pain. I've had both kinds, and the latter is definitely preferred. You're going through enough stuff the way it is; you don't need pain on top of it.
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Well my surgery is moved up again, probably Monday. Holy crap that's so soon. But I have a good chance of robotic repair.
Hi Michelle

Glad to hear you are at the Clevealnd Clinic and being taken care of. I won't get to meet you, but will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Also be waiting for your updates. Now you are there, just try to take it easy and relax! LOL Well, it is always the thing to say. I found the heprin shots to the tummy hurt much more if they push the plunger fast. Try asking them to do it slowly. I gave myself the shots and was told to push it gently. They did not hurt or sting. Then again, maybe I have a tough tummy!

Good Luck. Hopefully, the weekend will pass quickly.

Well Michelle...perhaps a blessing in disguise as there will be no more waiting! Thinking of ya and sending only good vibes for a positive outcome.
wow, glad you're there where you need to be!!! Will be thinking and saying a prayer for you this Monday!!! Take care and rest up!

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