Hodge Podge

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Hank I know your trying to provide for the family and all, but I'm telling you if you don't slow down, your placing yourself in harms way. I still think to this day that all the pressure I was under working like that, is what did me in. Be Careful!
I Know I Know!

I Know I Know!

Thanks Ross.

The problem is, someone has to pay the bills.

All work and no play makes a dull boy. But since I'm fairly dull anyway, maybe I'll be allright. :rolleyes:
Make it so Gina, make it so!

I told him about the way I worked right up until my aneurysm blew. He sounds like he's in the very same mouse wheel I was in. It made me rethink things VERY carefully. I know money is a great motivator, but it can also be the very thing that leads to destruction.
Ross, I think Maslow would disagree. He felt that money is not a motivator. Motivators work to cause more work output as the motivator level goes up, and seem to have no limits. Maslow felt that money is a hygenic factor. His belief was that if you over-pay people, they will not over-work, but if you do not pay them enough, they will work less. If money was truly a motivator, over-paying people would make them work more and more.

That said, he was speaking of the general public. Any one individual may find that money acts like a motivator for them. This is the dangerous situation you seem to be describing.

Look out!
Last post off topic for me. I didn't mean to thread jack this thread.

I was salaried and watched my hourly employees take home fatter paychecks then I did. I was required to work at least 50 hours per week, but in reality, was forced to work nearly 80 and many times did that too! Heck, they even tried to deny my vacation times.

I guess my whole point is that when one works these ridiculous hours non stop, it takes a heavy toll on ones well being, physically, emotionally, and every which way. I truly believe that working like that had a lot to do with my aneurysm rupturing when it did. I was a time bomb waiting to go off. All it took was a little extra push.

Hank your too important to us to run yourself into such a situation. Please be careful.
Ross - Too much of that eperience sounds familiar! Whatever you do, don't go into management consulting! I did that for 6 years, and the pressure to work insane hours is legendary. Also, all that's left of some of the people who worked all those hours is their legends. . .

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