Hmmm, I'm stumped...

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I need some help... We got a cat in December for my 5 year old's birthday. Right away we named him Zues. Well, yesterday we got a little Calico kitten for my 3 year old. She's a tiny little ball of fur that meows all the time! I don't know what to name her! I was going to name her claws, because she LOVES to climb up people like their trees, but we're getting her declawed. Ian(my 5 year old) likes fluffy meowington and whiskers. She's cute, but I feel so bad for her...every time she goes poo she gets her claw stuck on the edge of the litter box. IT's funny watching her. So basically I was wondering, which name would you chose? Whiskers or fluffy meowingon? It's KITTEN SEASON! Watch out Ross, your little one might be out on the prowl again soon! ;) ;) ;)
Hi Joy

Hi Joy

Years ago we had a little female Calico (All Calico's are female)..We named her Little Bit..she was so sweet and adorable and lived out her old age...Calico's bring you good luck too. :) :) Expect some money in the mail..Bonnie
Little Girl

Little Girl

This tortoise-shell camped out under our window (in the winter) until my family invited here in. She is about 8 years old and "talks" a lot. We only have male human children, and a male dog, so she is our "Little Girl". :)
hosacktom said:
This tortoise-shell camped out under our window (in the winter) until my family invited here in. She is about 8 years old and "talks" a lot. We only have male human children, and a male dog, so she is our "Little Girl". :)

Tom, that's what you get for not turning off your flashing "Sucker!" sign on the front of your house. She's adorable.

Our deck is a homeless shelter for the neighborhood stray cats. Buckley thinks that's terrific. I can never get close to any of them. Right now a pretty yellow and white one is queen of the roost.

Joy, I'd go with Whiskers - it has spunk to it. I think you'd probably shorten Meowington right away. But then all my animals have nicknames.
Buckley (dog) is "Buckles-Me-Boy"
Zuni (cat) is "Zuni Balloonie"
Sadie (African Grey) is "Girlie"
Oiseau (Quaker parrot) is Wizzy Woz
KD (lovebird) is "Tweeples"
They all answer to either their "given" name or their nickname.
Calista sounds like a good name for a calico.

Tom we have a tortise shell cat from the shelter named Shelley.She is our fat cat

Yes all calicos and tortise shell cats are females.


We've got a 10 year old calico, that we named "Marbles" because, at the time, I was a cake decorator and she reminded me of marble cake.

Once upon a time, she had 6 kittens, there was only one who looked like Mama, we called her "Marblette" (at least for the short time that we had her before we found a home for her).

I'm attaching a picture from when she was a kitten, if you look closely, you'll see her in the middle of a pile of my daughter's stuffed animals...
We once had a female calico that I named "Tigger". She didn't live a long life as we had to put her down. The reason for this was that she would hide under the bed and would attack my girls legs when they were walking past the bed. They were little then.
What really made me do it was when she acted out and peed a couple times on my stove in the kitchen. Ever turned on your stove in the morning and smell that? Whew....Terrible!
There won't be anymore little kitties in this house. We got rid of Mama mates all the time and kept two kittens, which I promptly took and had fixed. So all I have now is Puff, the male, because he puffed up like puffed wheat and Sam, the female, my girlie girl. Perhaps you all remember this picture below. I've got to get an updated pic of them now somehow!
Hey, Joy. Glad to see you posting again. I'd go with Whiskers, or maybe you could go with something mythological to go with your Zeus, like Athena :D
My two black and white brothers are named Frodo and Sam after (you guessed it) the Hobbits from Lord of the Rings.
We have four cats - my two, daughter's two - Penelope (the commode user, a calico, and a great conversationalist), Kitten (the yellow fluff found in the street), Binky (the tiny one who is old and Penelope and Kitten pick on her - stalk her, actually), and Sam, our girly-man who meows like a kitten but is about 10 y.o. Then there's Miss Sally Sue, the old hound dog. They all seem to fit their names - well, except Sam - so, Joy, if Whiskers fits, that's what you should use. The other name will quickly be too much of a mouthfull and won't remain the way you wrote it. But you will make your own choice and let us know. Great minds want to know, don't we.

As you can see, our animals are actually human members of our families!
Oh boy did you open up a thread! We all like to talk about our pets!

Over the last several years, I've been giving the animals plant names. One dog is Clover and the other dog is Daisy. We had two sister cats and I named them Parsley and Sage. When my husband HAD to drag home a calico cat, which made seven cats for us, I said we'd name her Zinnia if she was sweet and Thistle if she was nasty. Well, I was ready to call her Thistle within hours but everyone else insisted we stick with Zinnia. I think calico cats are generally "catty" cats. Shortly afterward she was in the engine of my son's pickup when he started it up one morning and she got caught in the fan and lost one eye. Sometimes we call her Cyclops, poor thing. We had a wonderful grey male polydactyl and I called him Bleu but he got eaten by an owl, as did his Aunt Parsley. We lose a lot of cats in the country, even though we bring them into the garage at night. Oscar is our favorite and he has full house privileges. His mate is Cobar (named after a small Australian outback town) but they don't like each other anymore. They were the parents of Parsley and Sage. One more cat is Chester, and he's the offspring of Bleu and Zinnia, making him Oscar's great-grandcat, but he doesn't have the extra toes.

As moody and snotty as Zinnia, our calico, has always been, she was also the best mother cat we've ever had! She was extremely attentive to her kittens! She's also an excellent hunter, and she prefers my backyard birds, so I've had to put collars with bells on her. She's on her third collar now, having managed to lose the first two.

If we get another boy cat, I plan on calling him Basil. Of the two names you mentioned, I prefer Whiskers. But Thistle sounds like a good name for her too ;) !

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