Hit on Head

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CA Pigg

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Hey Everyone!!!! It's been Forever since I've been on here and yes, here I am when I have a question.... You all are always on my mind.... I just celebrated my 2 year valversary this month... I hope you will forgive me and help answer my question.... My husband elbowed me in the head early this morning (by accident) in our sleep... I have a major headache today and I'm just wondering, how hard of a hit does it take?? Should I seek medical attention?? I've had some severe leg and back pain issues, so bad I went to ER on two occasions and they found nothing wrong... Pain was so bad morphine did not even touch it and I felt like I was crazy when they found nothing wrong... I just want your opinion on how hard of a hit it takes and what symptoms I would be having before I seek medical attention...I would hate for it to just be a sinus headache from all this wonderful pollen... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
I just want your opinion on how hard of a hit it takes and what symptoms I would be having before I seek medical attention... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

Hi Carole, "If in doubt, check it out" applies. Ordinarily, I think it would take more than an accidental elbowing to cause a problem. If the headache is significant and persists, I would, at least, call my doc for advice. I have hit my head many times, including once that required stitches....with no problem. However, many of my friends would tell you that I am very hard headed.

I agree with Dick, ir probably takes a lot more than an elbow on the head to cause problems. But if you are concerned, check it out.
Your headache may be totally unrelated. This is the time of the year when many people have allergies, causing headaches, sinus infections, etc. My co-worker was home yesterday with allergies.

Several years ago, I rushed to help up my husband who had fallen in the middle of the night. (He takes a hypertensive Rx for BPH and it can cause dizziness if you jump out of bed) I hit my head against the door jamb. It didn't hurt -- but I had a doozy of a bruise the next day to add to a blackened left eye. A case of bronchitis had led to broken blood vessels between my eye & nose. I had a 3"-4" diameter black eye, and the bump on the forehead added fuel to some great rumors...
I thought I put another post here but don't see it so I'll post another one..... Thank you very much for input!!! I think I was being paranoid, but will call the doctor if it doesn't go away.... I'm sure it is from all this pollen, everyone has a yellow vehicle around here right now ha ha.... John feels awful about it but I do kid him that he wants to beat me up so he does it in our sleep ha ha!!!
In December 2009, I was hit in the head when a dishwasher that I was helping to load in a car was dropped by the guy I was helping and hit me squarely on the side of the head. I had double vision for a couple hours. In this case, I went to the E.R. and they took a CT scan of my head. If the hit is hard enough to give you a concussion (and one of the symptoms can be double vision), and you're taking anticoagulant, you should probably check for intracranial bleeding. Fortunately, I was OK.

An elbow in the head probably isn't enough for that kind of damage. I'm guessing sinus headache (if you tap under your eyes and it hurts, this is usually a great confirmation of sinus issues). I take generic claritin and it usually helps.

But, as others have said, when in doubt check it out. You certainly don't want to minimize what might, potentially, be a life threatening injury.
I was having a brain bleed and didn't know it when I had the worst headache of my life one day before I went to the Doc and told her about my headache. Even though the headache was over, she ordered a Ct scan and it showed a brain bleed.
After all my problems were over, I then wacked my head really hard on a piece of decorative trim near my mailbox. I was so freaked out,cause I had another headache but not as painful, I went to the doc again and he ordered another CT scan, but it was fine.