High School graduation

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2005
My late husbands youngest child graduated from high school tonight. They live 100 miles away. It was a happy and sad time for me. I am grateful that they have all graduated, but I also miss there father. I have not seen any of his 3 boys for longer than 5 minutes for a couple of years. They are all so busy with their lives. They are now age 18, 21, and 24. They truly seemed happy to see me. It has been 10 years since there father's death, and I always wonder how much of a relationship they still want with me. Their paternal grandfather is deceased and their paternal grandmother and aunt did not show up. I was the only one representing their father's "family".

I worry because they are missing the guidance they could have used from there father. The 24 year old is working full time and will take the test to get his electrictions license in august and is living at home. The 21 year old is working a couple of part time jobs living at home with little responsibility. I am not sure if the 18 year old has any plans. I was only married to their father for a couple of years, but I still feel a caring bond with them.

Yes that would have been a prime time for dad to be there, but life doesn't always allow things to work the way they should. I'm sure they'll do just fine on their own. If they're like mine, they'll have to make some major mistakes first, but they'll soon get it.

You should always have a place in their hearts and lives even though they don't say anything. That's just the way boys are.
Ross is right. I am glad for you and them that you went to represent their father. That was important to them. I believe that at this stage of their lives, they have already developed their life patterns and what you can add is your support in whatever way they allow you to. As they mature, you will probably become a bigger part of their lives. I know you are proud of them and I hope you tell them so. Congratulations to them.