High INR and the chiropractor

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Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I went the chiropractor this morning for an adjustment.. then to get my protime checked, which was 5.4 - I have no idea why. I'm cutting my dose in half two nights and getting rechecked on Wed... but I'm concerned about the chiropractor adjustment? Not that I have ever bruised from one, but with my number high... I can always find something to worry about!! I hate when things are out of whack, makes me lose my false sense of control! :):) Any thoughts?
You may want to rethink this....testing wed is too soon

You may want to rethink this....testing wed is too soon


I, too, would probably cut my dose in half for one night.

Wednesday is TOOOO short a time for a recheck. It takes about 3 days for the change in dose to register in most people. If you test too quickly, you will not get an accurate result. Wednesday is too quickly.

As for the chiropractor, Since I began anticoagulation, I have had many, many adjustments. My doctor is now known for his gentle nature, and I bruise easily. Still, I have had no problems.

Hope this clears up for you very soon.

I have only had one bruise from treatments and that was on my very lower back/high on cheek (sorry for too much info). I have fibromyalgia so that area is very painful and responds to pressure cracking. However, I did get a huge bruise after one treatment where it took a few times to adjust. We learned our lesson and he now does not continue trying if it doesn't respons after 2 attempts. I am not sure what my INR was at the time but I usually run in the high 3s.
Thanks, Blanche, now that you mention it, the nurse originally told me to come back on Thurs. but when I asked her what dose to take Wed. night, she wasn't sure (she had phoned in the result to the main office/coumadin manager). That's why she said come back Wed. which is not really a good reason! I will call the coumadin nurse tomorrow and ask her about that.
Thanks, ladies, for your advice and sharing your adjustment stories! I go to the chiro. regularly, it was just the high level that had me concerned. My dr. is pretty gentle as well, it just came to mind when I saw that number.
My INR was 4.5 on Wed. I get massages at least every month had one Sat. It felt great, did not get any bruises and dropped my bp!! I love them, it has really helped me!
Hi Halley,
I've used my chiro every month and never had a problem with my INR level.
It helped me alot to go to him before surgery if I did'nt I think I would of had more pain. He is very gentle with me too sometimes I think he is to cautious with me almost acts afraid. Hope you get back on target with your INR by taking half a dose. Keep us informed.
Crystal :)
I was mostly concerned with any bruising, I was initially very surprised my level was so high, but haven't worried about it anymore since I survived the adjustment LOL. I do know there is no connection with the INR and the adjustments.

terodac, lucky you to have monthly massages! I probably get them 2-3 times a years for birthdays, mother's day, etc. They are wonderful.