Last Thursday, I suffered a slight stroke under some strange circumstances that have my Doctors stumped. First of all I have an AVR from On-X (3 yrs). Last Thursday I flew home from Houston (about 1 hr). When I arrived, I went directly to work out where I ran for about one hour and then went into work for about 4 hours. When I went to my car to go home, my hand went numb and after realizing what was happening got to the hospital. Upon arrival and having the blood work done, we found my INR was 5.75. At this news, I REALLY became concerned because I thought that the stroke was a bleeder which as I understand is harder to recover from. As it turns out though, An MRI/MRA showed it to be a CLOT rather than a bleeder. We did Doppler on my legs and found no clotting from the flight. As I said the Doctors are stumped (INR 5.75 AND have a clot????) and could only theorize on where the clot may have originated with most theories pointing to the valve of course. I picked the On-x valve because (theoretically) it seems to be less prone to clots and platelet damage. Anyway, I am beginning my research on the matter and wanted to start with you since you guys have in the past had better answers than do the Doctors. Have yall (Texas term) come across anything similar? Any other resources to check??
Thanks in Advance!!!
Thanks in Advance!!!