High Heart Rate

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Feb 23, 2011
Hello Friends,

I had my 6 month Cardio appt. Friday. Thought the valve sounded good, BP was 130/88 but heat rate was 128. Not quite a-fib but pretty high. I told him I had been feeling short of breath, and very tired. He has put me on 2 meds, supposed to work together for high heart rate. I am to take them for 2 weeks and then go back for follow up. This stuff so far, makes me feel worse. I feel as if my pulse is galloping, and more exhausted than I was before. I know it takes awhile for meds to get in the system and work like they should, but this is very difficult to handle. Anyone else have high heart rate? Does it normally go along with BAV?
At 6 months post op my HR was still prone to "taking off" and being over the 100 bpm mark for no good reason.
My med was Metoprolol which would dump my BP low, make me sluggish, but help calm down the high HR.
It is an awful feeling....
Bina,Laurie - metoprolol is one of them, the other a lasix? unsure what the spelling is, i don't have it with me here at work. supposedly the duretic in the lasix works with the ccb to help knock down the HR. But you are so right.. its an awful feeling. It's been very difficult for me phyiscally at work today. I am currently at a 1cm with bicuspid aortic valve, with mild regurg. Didn't have a clue about the HR till my check up, just felt really tired and short of breath... thought the valve could have worsened. If this continues, DR may have to change the meds, I can't function like this
I had a steadily fast heart rate, even before my 2nd surgery. When I was put on Coreg, it straightened me right up. I continue taking it to this day.

That said, everyone is different. Just because it worked for me does not mean it is necessarily right for you. Get more information and for heaven's sake, don't self medicate.

I know it's frustrating but it may just a matter of tinkering with your meds. Hope this helps.
I'm on metoprolol which is pretty common for people to be on after valve surgery. My dose is 75mg a day. Since surgery 6 weeks ago my heart rate has calmed down from 100bpm average to 60bpm average. I still get short bouts of tach, skipped beats, and just weird sensations in the chest but these seem to be getting less overall.

I feel your pain about SOB, fatigue, dizziness and all that kinda crap. For me this has been improving over the weeks slowly but surely. I don't know if I should credit the improvement to getting used to the metoprolol, recovering from surgery, or probably both!

Hopefully your symptoms will improve if not disappear in the upcoming weeks. It can take a month or so for a body to get used to any med.