I don?t post much but I read this forum pretty regularly. This forum has been an absolute God-send of advice and information that I can understand, use and trust. So. I?m 56 and have been dealing for five years with an apparently stable 4.8 cm AAA. It?s been unpleasant to live with this, but I have done all the checks and been convinced to wait until the aneurysm reached at least 5.0 cm before going through OHS. Anyway, I have now learned that I have to confront a new complication. My doctor advised that my latest blood test showed a fasting blood sugar of 115, which puts me well into the pre-diabetic range. 125 or higher apparently results in a type II diabetic classification. This pre-diabetic number also raises the heart risk. I?ve identified maybe two risk factors I can change, but that number is too high! Anybody have any advice or resources to suggest?