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This is to introduce myself and say hi to this excellent community. My name is Burair Kothari, I am 32 and have AS + AI both of which are moderate. I am really happy to have found this forum and web site, its helped me start to come to terms with the disease.

Since I am still in the moderate stage of this disease, I think I will be around for quite a while pre-surgery and hope to learn as much as I can about the surgery.

My profile is in the stories section:


Best regards,
Welcome Burair

Welcome Burair

To our wonderful web-site. Yes, we are a gabby bunch and if you need to ask..go right ahead. Many members live in Il.. too.Maybe ross can switch you to pre-surgery thread in case you would like to ask a question. Welcome again. Bonnie
Welcome to the nut house. There is coffee and donuts (There were cream puffs, but Mary ate them all) magazines, and other assorted odds and ends in our waiting room. Your waiting room host Steve, is working on other enhancements to the room. They had been talking about a surround theater system and big screen HDTV, don't know if they've installed those yet or not.

Kick back, relax, have fun, and learn as much as you can possibly digest while your in waiting mode. Any questions, just ask. Have any advice? Just give.

Again, welcome to the group. :D
Welcome! Ross about covered it all, except for the fact that you will come to love his posts and count on him as much as the rest of us do. Information adds to knowledge and knowledge is power. This place will help equip you with that, so that if/when the time comes for action on your AS/AI you will most likely know just exactly what to expect, require and want.


Hello Burair! Thank you very much for joining our group. I think you will be a valuable asset to those of us in waiting. You seem to be a very complete thinker and dedicated to quality care. Please feel free to comment, share, divulge anything big or small to this community. I am in very similar circumstances except that I'm female, 50, and my oldest child (we have 3) is almost twenty-two! (but oh, how I miss the times when they were little-ones!!).

I will be adding my own new thread today, voicing frustration with my cardiologist. It seems to be the current trend these days. That is not always the case. Many have had stellar relationships with their doctors. That is what makes this site so marvelous -- you get the full breadth of reality.

Again, welcome. Please visit often!

Welcome, Burair

Welcome, Burair

We always love to have new members - keeps the rest of us on our toes.

Hope we can help you and you'll stay with us for this adventure.
Welcome. As I'm sure you've realized already, this is a great site with lots of good folks.

Hi Burair, and welcome to The Waiting Room - the virtual room in which many of us await future heart surgeries. I, too, am waiting (and seems that I will be waiting for a while yet) for the future. In my case, I have moderate AS, without symptoms as yet. I've got a wonderful cardio who keeps a careful watch on it, so life is good.

As others have said, we're an active group, so please feel free to join in. That's what makes this a big extended family for all of us.

Ooh, and I just noticed that you're "local" to some of us. We have quite a group of Chicago area members, and we try to get together for dinner and a visit a couple of times a year. Watch around here for the next note about a mini-reunion or get together.
Hi Burair and welcome to this site. Before long you will feel like part of this diverse family. Steve maintains a wonderful waiting room and many of us read all new posts everyday so don't stress too much about where to post.
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you for the welcome, its great to know that there are people in this area we can talkto/meet with. It has been a pleasure getting to "know" people in this forum from reading through the posts already. I do want to know about good cardiologists in the area -- I will be going off to New York to meet with a cardiologist there but mostly to get dental work there ( insurance restrictions ) next week.

I will be keeping an eye out in the forum for get togethers ( though I am new here, I would be happy to help organize something )

Thanks again,
Burair new or not, you part of the family now and as such, your stuck with us no matter how nutty we are. If the opportunity arises for you to meet up with some of these people, take it. You will not be disappointed and you'll have a fun time too. ;)
Burair, welcome to our little family. As you can tell we all care about each other deeply. As the saying goes "we've been there and done that." Ask any question and it will be answered by some very knowlegable people.
*raises eyebrows*

Holy crapola, Burair...I didn't notice in your other post where you are in the Chicago area...Batavia! That is just a hop-skip-'n'-a-jump from me! In fact, I attend church (tho, not regularly) in Batavia!

He he he....it 'tis a small world :).

Cort, "Mr MC"/"Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'76/'79/'81/'87 & train & models = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Spotting MCs = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
Welcome to our world Burair!

You are wise to do as much preparation as possible while you are still in reasonably good health. As one of our astute members observed, "the worse your valve gets, the faster it gets worse".

My (second) cardiologist recommended a change in my medication, hoping to postpone my surgery for 3 to 5 years. One year later, my condition had deteriorated to the point where all tests indicated it was time for surgery so I strongly support the notion of 'being prepared'.

Best wishes,

SOmething in common

SOmething in common

Hello Burair,

It looks like we have some stuff in common. I am waiting too, three years older than you, just joined this site a few days ago, and lived in Illinois (although its been a few years). I`m already impressed by the wealth of info here and the caring people.

bluebear said:
Hello Burair,

It looks like we have some stuff in common. I am waiting too, three years older than you, just joined this site a few days ago, and lived in Illinois (although its been a few years). I`m already impressed by the wealth of info here and the caring people.

I feel the same way.

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