Hi all..This is Kahunaz..after 100 days in the hosp. & Rehab

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Hi everyone!!

It's been sooooo long where do I begin. I hope you all remember me. My brother did post on my behalf for a while. Well the best thing is that the actual surgery itself went fine. BUT!!!!!!! The people at Loyola NEVER put me on an air mattress...or turned me...they kinda just left me on my back/butt... needless to say I developed a huge bedsore..after it was debried(?)..the sore was 10 cm X 10 cm X 7.5 cm deep.(OUCH!!!)..So to make a looooong story short, I was in the Hospital and rehab (nursing facility) for 100 days (oh my god!!) 2 months with a contraption called a wound vac. hooked to my butt!! BUT it has shrunk to about half its size and is still very painful. AND the wound also affected my legs causing "foot drop" so walking has been very difficult. OH..but another good thing is, I did manage to lose almost 120 lbs.. YES one hundred and twenty pounds..

Thats the short version!

Take care all...your concern and well wishes were deeply touching

God bless!

Good grief! That's no fun!

There are wound-healing compunds out now, that are made for this type of slow-healing sore, and for diabetics, who often have trouble healing wounds on extremities. That's an awful long time to have such a tender spot.

Foot drop or not, I'd want to try to keep moving, if it were me.

Best wishes,

Welcome back. What a ride you have had. What kind of idiot nursing staff did you have to cause such a sore? They must have really been out to lunch. Hope they have gotten their hands slapped (or worse).

However, what a great story about the weight loss. I know it was an issue for you. You must be thrilled about that part so maybe the nurses did you a favor (odd perspective but.......)

Please keep us posted and take care of yourself.
OMG - I can't believe this! I do hope that you get a lawyer for this 'mishap'. It's unthinkable these days to hear of someone in the hospital for a week to get a bed sore. Certainly unacceptable. And then to have to go to a nursing home for care - that's no picnic, either. I would be livid. You have been through hell and somebody ought to make up for it.

Now that I calmed down a bit, I am so sorry you have had such a horrible time. We didn't know. Hope you are coming around, but I guess this set back may make your recovery a bit longer because with the rapid weight loss, you are doubly weak. I once lost a great deal of weight in a short span of time and it brought about a gall bladder problem - had to have the gall bladder out - common with rapid weight loss. If you have pain in that area, be aware of this. I know weight loss is desired, but losing it too quickly is dangerous.

How is the heart/chest area healing? You should be pretty good with that by now!

Blessins and prayers. Please keep us posted.

I am so mad!!!!
Wow, my record of 60 days has now been broken!

I too had a bed sore, but nothing of that magnitude. Glad to hear your out and on the mend now. There was no excuse for that happening.
There is no excuse for that kind of a wound--that's HUGE. At the very least they should have had you on a bariatric bed. Hearing things like that makes me ashamed of my profession. How the H*** long did it take them to figure out you were getting that decub?????
I'm glad you're home and feeling better. Keep plugging away at your rehab. And congrats on the weight loss, although I guess I wouldn't have chosen that way to lose it!
"foot drop"

"foot drop"

Sorry to hear about your ordeal. I had a pretty long stay (52 days) and didn't suffer from bed sores (much), but I did have something that may be called, "foot drop."

It took a very long time for the condition to eventually go away, but it did. Today I suffer from some minor possibly related complications, but generally I can walk fine with no ill effects from that condition.

I wish you a quick and complete recovery. Congrats on the weight loss. Now your goal should be the same as many of ours -- get into better shape than you were before you experienced symptoms.
Congratulations at being home! Sorry you had to go through so much. Hard to believe that they didn't catch that bed sore earlier and save you a great deal of pain and suffering! YOu must be so glad to be out of the hospital and rehab.

And congrats also on the weight loss! That is not easy, regardless of how ill you are!

Take care.
Thanks All!!!

Thanks All!!!


I really do appreciate it. I was seriously considering the possibility of litigation against the hospital for the awful ( I MEAN AWFUL!!) pain and suffering I have, and continue to endure. I mean...I'm 41 and walk with a walker and my foot drops...I look and feel 100 years old ....my wife has to change bandages...and "Clean me up"...if you know what I mean.

I mean...how much could the long term pain and suffering be worth????

Thanks again everyone!

Carmen :(
I agree, Carmen, you should be compensated in some manner. I don't think the side benefit of the weight loss was worth what you went through. If you are considering a lawsuit, start writing down what has already happened, what is happening and what happens in the future. Don't try to rely on memory anymore, make sure you have it on paper. One of the most important things is what you have been told by the healthcare "professionals" you have dealt with or are dealing with now.

Find a good lawyer by asking people you know and trust.

However, be sure and focus on your recovery. The legal stuff will wait until you are healthier. You just want to make sure you don't let any statutes expire.
Welcome back Carmen!!!!! So sorry to hear you had such trouble. Congratulations on the weight loss, but what a way to do it.

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