Hey Ross....You Have To Check This One Out!!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hey Ross (And Everybody who wants a real good laugh),

You have to check this website out:http://humor.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect/

When you get there, where it says dialect a web page, put in valvereplacement.com's web page, and then click dialectize, and watch what happens to the words on the VR.com webpage....it is absolutely hilarious!!! I cant stop laughing about it and I thought I should share this one. Harrybaby666 (I selected the Redneck option, and I thought I was gonna die laughing!!!) :D :D :D :D
Translated from the top of the forum page:

Eff'n this hyar is yer fust visit, be sho'nuff t'check out th' FAQ by clickin' th' link above. Yo' may hafta register befo'e yo' kin post: click th' register link above t'proceed, cuss it all t' tarnation. To start viewin' messages, seleck th' fo'um thet yer hankerin' t'viset fum th' seleckshun below.

eye've been lookin for a gud translator!

Welcome t'de rapidly growin' suppo't
site fo' dose uh us who gots had,
and gots'ta our lives affected by
Valve Replacement Surgery. Slap mah fro!

That's excellent!

Welcome ot teh rapidluy gro\\\\////\\\\////ing supprot
site fr0 trhos3 0fg us who ahve 4dh,,
and willh ave our lives affected by
val\/e replacement surg4ry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I thought you might like it...lol

I thought you might like it...lol

I thought people might like it. I thought I was gonna pee myself laughing...can you imagine if it were the real VR.com web page....OMG!!!! :D :D :D :D

Well, ah' hope everyone real likess dis website as ah' know ah' do. 'S coo', bro. It's absolutely hilarious! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on! LOL

Harrybaby666 :D :D :D :D
I had to dig a little to find this, hope it's right:

"We is th' Bo'g, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells! Lower yer shields, an' surrenner yer ship. We will add yer biological an' technological distinckiveness t'our own, as enny fool kin plainly see. Yer culture will adapp t'service ours. Resistance is futile. Freedom is irrelevant; Se'f-determinashun is irrelevant; Yo' muss comply. Stren'th is irrelevant. Death is irrelevant. Yer defensive capabilities are unable t'wifstan' us. Resistance is futile. Yer life, as it has been, is on over. Fum this hyar time fo'ward, yo' will service us."


The Borg assimilated Arkansas!!!

**ducks, runs**
By George I think Youve Got it! LOL

By George I think Youve Got it! LOL

Yes Harpoon,
I think you have got the hang of it....Did you find it as funny as I did? I thought I would die right there laughing from it... Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

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