Hey, Bonnie and Danny

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I found purple violets in the yard the other day, the wrens are huntin straw and the woodpecker has come home and is working away out there. Reckon we're having an early spring? It's been really nice for about 3 weeks here. How bout y'all?

We haven't had a winter here at all. One day it will be in the mid 60's, the next day almost 70. We've only had a few nights below freezing. I just looked at the paper and tonight they are forecasting 36 as a low, tomorrow night is supposed to be 47 and Thursday's LOW is supposed to be 53!!!! Flowers are starting to pop out in the yard and my sister-in-law's peach trees are starting to bud. Even the armadillos seem to have gone into a year round operation. We used to get a break during winter but not this year. I've got a 18,000 hole golf course in my yard right now.:eek: :p

I know, rub it in for those with that WHITE stuff on the ground.:eek: :D

May God Bless,

hensylee said:
I found purple violets in the yard the other day, the wrens are huntin straw and the woodpecker has come home and is working away out there. Reckon we're having an early spring? It's been really nice for about 3 weeks here. How bout y'all?

Our neighbors trees have a LOT of red buds on them. We're in trouble here if we do end up have a winter. If we don't have a winter, then we'll be BUGGED all summer. Oh well. I am enjoying the mild weather though.
Turkey Buzzards have returned home..Saw them circling a few days ago. Lots of roadkill out there for them to feast on..:D We have 2 pretty days and 4-5 rainy,windy days.:eek: May have some kind of winter weather in Atlanta Sat. night (but, I don't believe those weather-people):p Bonnie
Here in southern CA, it has been DRY. We need rain. Our daffodils bloomed last week.

We own farmland in southeastern NE -- it has been the driest, warmest winter in many many years. There goes our income.