Hernia surgery re-op

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
My, son-in-law had surgery 2 months ago..for a hernia around his belly-button. He had it for several years..and finally daughter talked him into going in and having it removed...Over-night stay in hospital and 2 weeks at home..but it has still been open and oozing pink stuff. :confused: :confused: So, his doctor sent him to a wound Doctor Specialist...who could not help him. Now, he is going to have to have surgery, again, this Thursday...by, same surgeon.. to repair.. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: She is taking time off from work..I wonder, if this will be the same operation..Overnight, again in hospital and more time at home to re-coup...He wants it over..due to their adopting from Russia...and wants to be healed before their first trip..Hopefully in Sept...Anyone else had a bloched hernia operation. :mad: :mad: Bonnie
I had the same surgery for the same type of hernia. It's been 30 years ago, but mine turned out fine. I had the same restrictions that I had after my Casareans; no lifting anything heavier than the baby for 6 weeks. Do you think he overdid and pulled something loose at the incision site?
Hi Bonnie,
I hope they get everything taken care of for your son-in-law. Please keep us posted.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care

I had inguinal hernia surgery late Sep 2003. The Lovenox bridge set me back while I waited for the internal and external oozing to subside. I layed low (zero activity) for two weeks. Then very light walking with gradual increments for two weeks. Starting light running again at 4 weeks, with gradual increments. Ran a 5k at about 9 weeks.

I felt like the healing was complete after about 3 months. I had some internal oozing for that long, but chalked it up to Coumadin. At annual physical in January, my PCP declared it "tight as a drum". Still, I occasionally feel some stiffness even now. I am very careful about lifting, and suppose I will be forever.

My sense is that the area of surgery doesn't really get a break and takes a while to heal. But your SIL's experience doesn't sound rountine.
I've had a couple repaired a couple of times. My tissue is so bad that they don't have much to sew to and they just don't hold. That may be his trouble too.
I had a friend who had hers done over and over - but she was sorta old. She overdid, I think, plus had weak flesh (is that possible) and it didn't hold, or she had bad doctors. Who knows what made it fail, but she oozed, too. Eventually, I think she got it fixed.


I asked my daughter this morning and she said..they put mesh inside and used a patch....but, he develped an infection. Was the reason he was off work for 2 weeks. He is a Manager..Office type work..,,don't think he lefted anything too heavy. Maybe this next surgery will work....Bonnie

My surgeon specifically recommended stitching the tissues rather than a mesh patch due to the artificial heart valve, and the higher risk of infection with the mesh. Sounds like it was a smart move for me. Sorry to hear that you SIL has another round. Hope this is the last and he gets better quick.

PS. I'm guessing that the stitching process pulled on the tissues and may be the reason for some residual stiffness from time to time. I can live with it.
Up-date on Son-in-law

Up-date on Son-in-law

He had his hernia surgery again..yesterday..by same surgeon...He was fine when he first came back into room..but when the morphine wore off..started having pain. then turned grey. his b/p dropped so low..scared me to death..Nurse watched it..then it came back up.....then asked for pain med...then got sick.. :eek: Nurse held the old pillow job to chest...He could not lay down flat for a few hours...for fear of the cough..Finally, they got him up late and walked a tad...Better this morning..sent home with lots of pain meds..I gave him a lecture. :D You take those pain meds before the 4 hours are up..The doctor told us..he had to really enlarge the incision..put in the stitches ....but, daughter said..this morning when the doctor came in and pulled out packing..she saw..no stitches . :eek: He still has to repack 2 x a day...Came home with meds for infection this time..for 7 days..and to lay low for 4-6 weeks.... and I thought open-heart was bad.... At least..we were stitched back :eek: :eek: :eek: ...The doctor told us when his surgery was over..found the family in waiting room. that Allen was the only 3rd patient..that he had this problem with. infection in mesh, ect.Bonnie
The were giving him Morphine for pain? Man did I get jipped. I got nothing but tylenol with codeine.
It could be worse

It could be worse

Granbonny said:
He had his hernia surgery again..yesterday..infection this time..for 7 days..and to lay low for 4-6 weeks.... and I thought open-heart was bad.... At least..we were stitched back

I read this to my hubby and he says he's seen OHS patients left open. For one reason or another (infection or heart has enlarged so much during surgery the chest won't close properly) they put a big Deuoderm patch over the heart until they go back to close in a day; maybe two. The heart is visible during this time. He says it's usually patients that have complicating factors (that makes me feel so much better :rolleyes: )


Yes..When he was brought back into private room. I heard the nurse say..Loratabs or morphine...When the doctor removed his packing this morning..I was standing outside...and when the doctor left..my son-in-law said..PAIN MEDS..please..He had only been taking the Loratabs...We told,nurse. please 2 Loratabs..NOW.. That is what he went home with...30 tabs..and I will make sure he takes them... :p Bonnie
I hope all works out well with him this time. It's surely discouraging to have to do things over.

My SIL is facing hernia surgery. So I'll pass this all on to him.