Heritability of BAV

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Perth, Australia
I have been doing my homework :rolleyes: ...

Over at the Bicuspid Foundation amongst their "medical links" is one which leads to a study done on the hereditability of BAV and CVM (Cardio Vascular Malformations)...

They found in this study that BAV was 89% heritable
and that BAV and/or other CVM's were 75% heritable

I would like to know in that study the percentages of male/female...

Could we devise a poll/study here on our own to see what sort of heritability rate we come up with? any takers ? :D
My brother and I as well as mom's sister have all been checked. No BAV, but the females have flow murmurs at the aortic valve. We have both been advised to rescan every 5 years, as calcification is a concern, since mom started seeing calcification of the valve in her early 20's. My neice has no murmur, but has not had any echo done yet.
I have read on the order of 4:1 males vs females...

mee to I was always different as well...

wonder if we "pass-it-on" differently as in more OR less frequently :cool:
I am 42-- Coarctation Of The Aorta-BAV- Aortic Aneurysm
My daughter age 17 Twin-B COA - BAV
My Daughter age 17 Twin-A MVP
My Brother age 48-- BAV ,just discovered-emergency surgery
My sisters daughter age 23- MVP- Ventricular Tachacardia- now that is not spelled correct , sorry.
My sisters Son age 21-MVP and a hole in heart that closed on it's own at a young age.
MY sister age 55- MVP
MY Brothers Daughter also has a CHd but I am not sure what it is as she lives away.
I also read that the risk of Brain anuerysm is high for BAV. My sister died age 36, 2 yrs ago due to a Brain anuerysm. This is what prompted me to get a complete check up and thus finding out I have a BAV. I have had my remaining sisters have a complete check up and I will be taking my two boys ages 11 and 9 in also. If we had known then all we know now about BAV I wonder if it would of help save my sister? :confused:

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