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Ok, this is sort of a weird question since I am 25, and all, but I applied for SSI like 2 years ago, and they turned me down saying that I could go back to work within a year. WRONG! I didn't go back to work for 1.5 years, and only make about $500 a month. Yeah, that's better than nothing, but I might have to quit here again, because of this thing they are talking about doing to me if my heart doesn't stop fluttering around all the time. I keep getting dizzy and lightheaded, and my heart likes to flutter and soetimes feeling it is about to pound out of my chest. I cut way back on my soda serving per day. I feel like I am not getting enough air, sort of dizzy. I go in on monday, I am already on coumadin, and taking my pen VK, and my metoprolol, but they just don't know. So far I have drank about 30 ounces of that propel fitness water today, and am drinking a bottle of it now. No changes in my eating habits, but I feel a little more pumpheaded for that last couple of weeks than usual. Any opinions? I know this is like more that one question, but hey, I am sort of scared, with all this crap going on with me. Maybe it's just stress, but I don't have much stress in my life right now. Ok, that's not true, I do,but not like financial, it's more like family stuff, you know. My hubby and I (don't get me wrong, he's great) but he started smoking again,and I have been stressing about that. I don't want him to smoke, it's just a nasty habit, and so many people in my family have gotten sick from it. My aunt actually had to have the tar and nicotine sucked out of her lungs! Her husband was in the hospital during the time that I was(the first time)he was having triple by-pass surgery. He smoked, my mom's lungs have collapsed three times, and they don't give you sedation while they pump them back up...she said it hurt. she's had two thorocotomies, and he STILL doesn't care. He said he'll quit, but I worry about him. It's just icky, like licking an ash tray. No offense to the ones that smoke out there. Sorry.