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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Ok, this is sort of a weird question since I am 25, and all, but I applied for SSI like 2 years ago, and they turned me down saying that I could go back to work within a year. WRONG! I didn't go back to work for 1.5 years, and only make about $500 a month. Yeah, that's better than nothing, but I might have to quit here again, because of this thing they are talking about doing to me if my heart doesn't stop fluttering around all the time. I keep getting dizzy and lightheaded, and my heart likes to flutter and soetimes feeling it is about to pound out of my chest. I cut way back on my soda serving per day. I feel like I am not getting enough air, sort of dizzy. I go in on monday, I am already on coumadin, and taking my pen VK, and my metoprolol, but they just don't know. So far I have drank about 30 ounces of that propel fitness water today, and am drinking a bottle of it now. No changes in my eating habits, but I feel a little more pumpheaded for that last couple of weeks than usual. Any opinions? I know this is like more that one question, but hey, I am sort of scared, with all this crap going on with me. Maybe it's just stress, but I don't have much stress in my life right now. Ok, that's not true, I do,but not like financial, it's more like family stuff, you know. My hubby and I (don't get me wrong, he's great) but he started smoking again,and I have been stressing about that. I don't want him to smoke, it's just a nasty habit, and so many people in my family have gotten sick from it. My aunt actually had to have the tar and nicotine sucked out of her lungs! Her husband was in the hospital during the time that I was(the first time)he was having triple by-pass surgery. He smoked, my mom's lungs have collapsed three times, and they don't give you sedation while they pump them back up...she said it hurt. she's had two thorocotomies, and he STILL doesn't care. He said he'll quit, but I worry about him. It's just icky, like licking an ash tray. No offense to the ones that smoke out there. Sorry.
Joy do you mean SSDI Or SSI
SSDI is Social Security Disability Insurance.
SSI is Social Security Supplemental Income.
2 completely different programs with different requirements.
Joy, when they turned you down, did you protest. They send you a letter saying you have 120 (I think that's the #) days to appeal. You continue to appeal every time they turn you down, their turn down can be many times. Many folks figure they are 'turned down' and that's that. This is what is counted on and it works, but there are those, like you, who are TRULY sick and need the benefits and those keep on contesting and eventually they will win. Then when the case is settled, they will go back to original application date and pay you. The key is to keep appealing - and when you feel like you are all alone, contact your senator's office. I know for a fact, that the senators get upset when one of these folk appeal to them for help - their input is to Soc Sec Admn and taken more seriously. If that doesn't work, get a Soc Sec lawyer. Persistence and truth always pay off.

Then vote next time.
Hi Joy,

In one of my former roles as a social work administrator, I worked closely with Social Security, dealing with both the SSI and the SSDI programs. There as some differences in these programs, but the differences have more to do with financial resources available (SSI) and eligibility for coverage, as in quarters covered or spouses work record (SSDI). However, the criteria used to determine disability is the same for each. As they told you, it is "inability do do significant gainful work for a period of 12 months or more."

Although you did not return to work for a year and a half, the documentation that you or your doctors submitted to SS must have indicated that you could have gone back to some type of gainful employment within a year. If you chose to stay home to be with your children, that was your choice, as they see it.

Ssocial Security also considers your age (young) and your education (H.S. Grad with potential for higher education) and the limitations your impairment places on you. I'm sure they feel that you can do or can be trained to do many jobs that do not require activities that are restricted by your symptoms.

Lastly, they would probably see your current problems in a similar way in that they will be resolved by your doctors in less than one year, enabling you to return to work, if you were to stop doing your present job.

Since you applied two years ago, I assume you are past the time to appeal their original decision. However, you could file a new application for disability based on the new set of health problems. Before you do, however, I would suggest you talk to your doctors about your inability to do any work for a period of a year or more to see what they tell you. Ultimately, Social Security is going to get their opinion and copies of any medical reports that support their opinions. Occassionally, if there is still a doubt, SS will schedule an appointment with a doctor at their expense to clarify any issues with appropriate exams and/or tests.

The positive thing is that you are not disabled and you are not likely to become disabled for any long period of time. We all hope that your current medical problems will be resolved by your doctors withing a short period of time and that you will be able to work and/or begin going to nursing school, which I believe you indicated was one of your dreams not too long ago.

I'm sorry to hear that Kevin wasn't able to stop smoking, but maybe he will be successful the next time he trys to quit. In the meantime, ask him not to smoke around you and the kids, especially in the house and in the cars.

P.S. I hope you and Kevin have a very happy 5th anniversary celebration!

Ron K

Good friend of mine whom is chronically Ill and at times wheelchair bound. Had a note from her MD's stating she could not work do to disease and disability. Her plead went on for a year. She had to hire a lawyer to settle her disability claim. Which took almost another year. In the meantime 5+ years had past since she had been gainfully employed. Regardless of your personal situation and or disability your credits eventually expire making you ineligible. You also are required to hold enough working credits with SS to qualify to begin with. These laws may vary by state. Not sure.

It appears to be more trouble than it's worth. If you are fine on your spouses income, you may want to spare yourself the stress.

Good luck to you.
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