Well all it's time I am scheduled for surgery March 16th. Cedar Siani, L.A. Dr. Trento. Been through all the test, echo, stress echo, nuc. echo, angiogram, last cat scan. First surgeon said he thought I might have a aortic anuersym so the cat scan. Got the report said it was very mildly anuesistic (spelling) consistant at 4.3. Cardiologist said that was good no evidence of dissection maybe due to being athletic. Got second opinion from Dr. Trento, first doc was Taro Yokoyama, didn't expect any concerns for aorta, but Trento said he would make a judgement call while there. Said it is now more common to repair aorta is there is any doubt it won't last as long as the valve, makes sense was just suprised cause report made it sould so good. Anyway rest of heart is in great shape. Going with bovine Carpentier Edwards, said the average is about 15 years maybe 20 or better. Banking on the catheter method when this wears out, as I am active athletic, surf, ski etc. Anyway this is a great site and I appreciate all the stories and feedback. Looking forward to getting it over and getting back in the water missed the last surf trip. Take care all of you will keep all posted, especially if they have wi-fi at Cedars probablly do they have everything else even a Starbucks. Peace! Steve Foster srfconstrct.