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I had a consult with a new GP yesterday..... oh boy, I'm literally lost for words!!

I took in all my medical files - quite a feat on it's own :D - and gave her a brief synopsis of everything that's been happening over the last couple of years, as well as the things that my previous GP wanted to follow up (thyroid and full lung function).

All I got was a bit of a dazed/confused look. She shuffled my papers around and decided to take copies of about 4 pages, even though I told her everthing that was relevant (about 30 pages worth). Everytime I asked her a question I got a blank look and was told "..oh, I don't know much about that. Maybe you should speak to your specialist". Even when I wanted to check my sinus passages as another avenue as to why I feel short of breath all the time... same response!

I thought I might have more luck with getting her to arrange the paperwork I need in order to claim travel and accommodation to see the cardio next month, but even THAT seemed to be a bit overwhelming for her. This is STANDARD GP stuff - the girls in reception helped me with that, but now I have to arrange (and pay :mad: ) for another appoinment to get that sorted out.

Don't worry, I most definitely won't be going back to her. There's about 3 other doctors in town, so hopefully ONE of them will be OK, but I had to share this with y'all. Meanwhile I am DEFINTELY sending my GP back in Kalgoorlie a thank-you card for her excellent care.

Anna : )
Oh, and another thing... (..yep, I'm on a roll.....), these medical practices seem to think I have no grounds to access my medical records, citing the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Anyhoo, I checked it out and that's a load of cow-manure!! There USED to be restrictions to patient access, but these laws were amended in 2001 and now patients have FULL ACCESS, except in a very few circumstances.

I've copied the new amendments and will be furnishing my medical providers with their own copies. Clearly they don't keep up with the relevant legislature, but I'm more than happy to help them out :D heh heh heh.

OK - got it out my system!

A : )
Just keep plugging away Anna - eventually you should get somewhere. Your experience is a great example of why, as a general rule, I hate doctors. :rolleyes:
Way to go, Anna!

It can be so disappointing when you look into the eyes of a new doctor, and there are no lights on inside.

You are a credit to perserverence, and a shining example for many, as to ensuring that you don't settle for second-rate, disinterested health professionals.

What a pain, though. Best fortune with pusuing a "live one"...

Best wishes,


Anna. So sorry. Keep looking for sure. I had a friend/neighbor who was my orthopedic surgeon and I asked his assistance in finding a new general practioner. He referred me to a very new and very young doctor. At first I was reluctant since I'm 50. Silly. She has turned out to be the most excellent, patient, direct, informative doctor I've ever had. They really are out there. Is there any way someone could refer you who knows you? Knows how perservering and knowledgeable you are? Even starting fresh in new towns, there are professional links and networking. Maybe if you just pressed your old doctors abit harder for a name.

Wish I could be more helpful -- you deserve some answers and relief! Good luck.


I've seen that look! :confused: <<<kind of like that?

Before I found my current PCP (who is no Einstein :D) I was referred to a different PCP. She came to the conclusion that ALL of my problems were due nasal drip! :rolleyes: I wanted to just get up and walk out, but I was nice enough to just finish the appointment and never go back. When I found my current PCP a couple of weeks later he said I still had bronchitis (6 weeks after it was first diagnosed at an urgent care center while on vacation). Unfortunately it took me almost keeling over dead before he figured out that I had endocarditis (more than likely from having bronchitis for so long). When you "get that look" from a doctor...don't walk...but run away and find someone else.
G'Day Anna...

G'Day Anna...

I have a funny feeling that you and I are going through the same old garbage all over again...rotten doctors...LOL Just want to let you know that I have been having the same trouble this past few weeks...The cardio that saw me while I was in the hospital told me that my heart was "Perfectly Normal" and that my problems were caused by overendulging in soda pop...Can You Believe That??? Not only did he embarass and humiliate me in front of my brother, but as usual, he was discounting my heart problems...He came in the next day and he was profusely apologizing, and better yet, he never told me that I now have Pulmonary Hypertension...I had to find out from my Cardio and that was only after bringing the echocardiograms from the hospital in with me...I just wanted you to know that yes.....we still are having it out with all of our docs but at least we are not doing it alone....I hope all goes better for you and that you get someone who actually listens and has a 1/2 a brain in his/her head...All The Best....Harrybaby :D :eek: :eek: :D :D :eek: :eek: :D

P.S I just had to leave my marking...(See Below) LOL LOL :D
Bryan B said:
I've seen that look! :confused: <<<kind of like that?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha..... oh boy, that gave me quite a chuckle!! Yep, that was EXACTLY the look!

Sadly I asked the couple we're staying with at the moment if they could recommend a good doctor in town and they reluctantly said "no" because the only "decent" guy isn't taking any new patients. Also, I don't drive, so it makes it that much harder to get to the next town to see someone.

Mind you.... in the 17 years since I left home, with the amount of times I've moved and changed GP's, the last one was about the FIRST one I'd ever felt really happy with, so I guess I shouldn't expect miracles :(

Bryan -
I hope you've managed to find yourself someone compentent since the endocarditis episode. Then again, maybe you could refer me to your first doc, since I couldn't even get a diagnosis on post-nasal drip!! ;)

Harry -
Again, I'm SO glad you've finally had some satisfactory answers - even if the results aren't what you'd hope for, at least now you might get appropriate treatment and start feeling better (..fingers XXXX'd..). It also instills a very faint spark of hope for me!

Anyhoo, to quote Karlynn, I'll just keep "plugging away".

Thanks again for your support guys. You really do help me keep my sanity.

Anna : )
hi Anna,
Yes this is our medical system!!!! All countries have their problems. Have you contacted the Dr that has closed his books? I have a friend who chose a Dr regardless of his books being full, she told her story to the secretaries, got them on side then got into the Dr.
Our cases are usually interesting and challenging, a bit outside the square, for the right Dr.
You choose your Dr don't let them choose you.
BTW how do you claim travelling for your specialist visit? We were never allowed!!!! When we changed specialist after our guy retired he wouldnt recommend a new one, he left it up to our GP.
Also BTW for anyones interest, our health insurance are paying $1000 of the $1400 cost of our coagucheck. I was impressed for such an unknown device down here. Maybe we are finally moving on!!!
liamty said:
BTW how do you claim travelling for your specialist visit? We were never allowed!!!!
I'm not sure what you've got in NSW, but in both WA and here in VIC they have some sort of patient assisted transport scheme (PATS in WA and VTPAS in VIC).

As with anything to do with the government there's lots of paperwork, but basically you have to get a referral to a specialist from your GP, then have your GP fill in the appropriate documents, have your specialist fill out the appropriate documents, and provide proof of travel and accommodation.

I think the only stipulation is that you have to travel more than 100km each way and it has to be to the "nearest" specialist - however, I think if you have ongoing treatment with your "own" specialist most GPs are happy to refer you to them, even if another specialist may be closer.

Usually travel is 100% covered for rail or bus, or if you're claiming travel by car they usually pay X amount per/km. Flights will only be paid for if you have to travel over 500km and there are no other options for travel or if you have medical reasons to fly (which must be supported with evidence from your GP or specialist). They will also pay for an escort if you require one for medical reasons.

Accommodation is usually only $30 p/night. In WA they paid $10 for private accommodation, but VIC only covers the $30 for a hotel.

Anyway, I would definitely speak to your GP about it. I don't believe you have to be on a Centrelink concession to be eligable, just in need of a specialist outside of your area.

All the best - I'll be interested to know how you go.

Anna : )

BTW - Next time I have to go to this clinic I'll be sure to let them know how disappointed I was with my last consult and will request they refer me to someone they feel is compentent enough to deal with my case - whether they be taking new patients or not! : )
Ahhhhh, it's the joys of managed care. I feel for you Anna. If you could work it the other way around. See your specialist first. Then ask for a recommendation to a good GP. Works nicley.

All the best to you.

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