Here are the results of my Cath

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
I got a copy of the report and thought I would post them there are some terms I am not Familar with.

Peakt to peak gradient across aortic valve 47mm Hg with heavy calcification of valve leaflets noted... consistant with sever AS. (this one I understand)

Pressures (mm Hg)
Aorta 116/62 mean 82
LV systolic 157
Can someone help with above numbers what they mean?

sumary: nonobstructive CAD
Dominance: right dominant (What does this mean)

narrative description
The left main coronary artery was without disease and bifurcated into the
LAD and Circ. The LAD had moderate plaquing in the proximal segment but otherwise without disease. The Circ. had luminal irregularities but no sig. stenosis. The RCA was alarge dominant vessel without sig. disease but luminal irregularities noted. ( What is the Circ, and what is meant by irregularities?)

Final Diagnosis
1. nonobstructive one vessel CAD
2. sever aortic stenosis with peak gradient 47 mm hg


1. Aortic valve replacemebt without need for CABG.
Thanks superbob. Overall everyone is saying it is good news. Just curious of what the deails mean. I guess because of my experience with the VA I am skidish about having the whole truth given to me.
CAD = Coronary Artery Diease
LAD = Left Anterior Descending (Artery)
Circ = Circumflex (Artery)

I'm guessing the last line should read "without need for CABG" instead of "CAD".

CABG = Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
(a.k.a. conventional Bypass Surgery)

Luminal irregularities would 'appear' to mean 'scarring'...
ask your Cardio for a more complete explanation

Bottom Line: there appears to be some early sign of CAD in one vessel (artery) that is not of concern at this time and only Aortic Valve Replacement is deemed necessary.
Thanks for the help. I am going to get a local Cardio. The only one I have seen before my surgeon was one from the VA and I would not ask that idoit for the time of day.
I had to search several web sites but I found the answer on irregularities in cornary arteries, It means some tickining of the walls which is early CAD. I would think that most folks my age would have at least some of this.
I am 61. Actually this was kind of a suprise to me. My BP has always been on the low end of normal, I don't smoke or have dibeates. I am changing the things I can. I have lost 26 lbs and plan to lose another 30. I am now on a heart healthy diet. My exercise is now limited because I need a hip replacement. However as soon as I recover from the AVR I plan to get the hip. Then I can increase my exercise level.
My wife and I (it helps to have your mate support you in this) are basically using what is called the flat belly diet or mufa diet. Some cardios recommend it. It has lots of vegies, fish, chicken, a little red meat is ok. You also only use mono unsaturated fats, Olive oil, nuts etc. You have 3 meals 400 cal each and either 2 snacks of 200 caql or 1 snack of 400 cal. My wife"s BP was going up and had been taking BP pills. Now her BP is normal with no meds. Mine has been low normal most of my life but started to creep up but now is back down into the normal range 110-120/60-80. I expect it to be back to low normal after the surgery. There is lots of varitey so it is a plan for life. We still have a little cheat night ocassionally but it is working for us.
That's great John - it's not easy to make major lifestyle changes, and it sure helps when your spouse/partner will join in with you.
Congrats and keep it up, it can only help your surgery and recovery easier :)

Take care
I have a cousin that is an RN and works at the local VA. She sets up Vets with civillian surgeons. I checked with her tues. after my friday cath. and the results were in that is where I got my copy. As of friday my PC Dr. Haq pronounced Hack. (Only i could spend 30 years in the military and be assigned a Dr, named Hack and he is) He has not put in any notes to move my pper work along as of friday may 28. I had the notes from mysurgeon sent to my cousin and she put notes in my file. Monday if Haq has not done his job I am going to the pacient advocate. If she does not get things going I will call my congress woman from the advocates office. I wont delay long I will pay the deducts and do it with my tri care insuance. Then I will do like a friend of mine and sue the VA to recover the cost. He won. Those who want government run healthcare needs to talk to a vet.
I have a cousin that is an RN and works at the local VA. She sets up Vets with civilian surgeons. I checked with her Tues. after my Friday cath. and the results were in that is where I got my copy. As of Friday my PC Dr. Haq pronounced Hack. (Only i could spend 30 years in the military and be assigned a Dr, named Hack and he is) He has not put in any notes to move my paper work along as of Friday may 28. I had the notes from my surgeon sent to my cousin and she put notes in my file. Monday if Haq has not done his job I am going to the patient advocate. If she does not get things going I will call my congress woman from the advocates office. I wont delay long I will pay the deducts and do it with my tri care insurance. Then I will do like a friend of mine and sue the VA to recover the cost. He won. Those who want government run health care needs to talk to a vet.

John I posted in another forum about the VA hospitals. My opinion is that you get better service from the field hospitals then you do state side. Many veterans agreed with that.
Ross it is a disgrace. If they had done even a poor job I would already have a new hip. That would sure have made revover from AVR easier.
Ross it is a disgrace. If they had done even a poor job I would already have a new hip. That would sure have made revover from AVR easier.

I know it is my friend. I'm working on changing that for everyone along with many others. We don't seem to be being heard. Guess we don't have enough money to get their attention.