Nancy :)
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up so you don't ever have to go thru what I just went thru. I have been sick, flu like symptoms (horrible aches, fever and exhaustion). Of course my Mds zoomed on my heart first, ruling out endocarditis. But they did discover I have Hepatits C. Oh my gosh. I just found out this week and am going for more blood work this morning to determine the type of virus and the effects on my liver. Several Mds told me I contracted it from blood transfusions during heart surgery. They are not sure yet if I contracted it during the 1959 surgery or the 1989 surgery, They believe 1989 for now. I am writing to tell everyone who had ANY transfusions or blood product (plazma, etc) prior to the 1994 blood safe date to Please get tested for this virus. Apparently you can have it for over 20 yeas before developing symptoms. And the key to successful elimination of the virus is early detection. So please, symptoms or not, request this blood test at your next visit with your Md.