Heparin in the news again

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I saw this on the news this morning. What is going on???

AND why is it the infants? Is it because they have such a low weight that the results of the error show up so soon? Is the same thing happening to adults, but our bodies (being larger) can handle it better?
"The twins were receiving intravenous antibiotic treatment for a staph infection."

I think when all is said and done, the Staph is the cause of death. We may never know for sure.
Heard about this on Nancy Grace last night.
2 preme's twins died after an over dose of haparin and 14 other new born's have died in a result of receiving this drug 100 times over the prescribed dosage. I don't know which hospital or hospitals, but Nancy Grace and others on the show were trying to put the blame on the pharmacies tech's. saying they were NOT qualified to handle such a drug. An over dose will cause internal bleeding.
I know exactly what you mean Ross.....I feel the same way. I don't make it a habit to watch her dang show, but when haparin and babies were mentioned had I to listen to find out what was going on.