I need some help trying to figure out my echo’s, I could not get a straight answer from my cardio nurse and My cardio is booked for the next month and I am very concerned since the readings have changed, I guess I should start out by saying I will be 49 next month and very worried. I got a copy of my medical records. I will list my last two echo’s hopefully some could help me understand what I am up against.
2 D M Mode Color Flow Doppler
LveDD: 4.5 cm LVIDs: 2.3 cm
IVSd: 1.3 cm LVPWd: 1.2cm
LA: Aortic Root: 4 cm
1. Left ventricle is normal size. Left ventricular hypertrophy. No regional wall motion
abnormalities. Overall ejection fraction is 70%
2. Left atrium is a normal size
3. Right and ventricle are normal size and function
4. There is probable bicuspid aortic valve. There is at least moderate aortic insufficiency seen
5. The aortic root is dilated at 4cm
6. Mild mitral regurgitation
7. Mild tricuspid regurgitation
8. SBE prophylaxis for all procedures that entail bacteremia
9. No pericardial effusion
LVIDd: 4.9 cm LVIDs: 2.6 cm
IVSd: 1.4 cm LVWPd: 1.4cm
LA: 4.0 cm AR: 4.3 cm
1. The aortic root is dilated at 4.3 cm
2. Bicuspid aortic valve suggested
3. 3+ aortic insufficiency.
4. There is mitral valve prolapse with 1+ mitral regurgitation.
5. Enlarged left atrium at 4.0 cm
6. Left ventricular hypertrophy with normal ejection fraction of 70%
7. The pericardial space is clear
8. Normal right heart structures
9. No evidence of pulmonary hypertension
1. SBE prophylaxis
2. Since the echo Doppler of 2/05 the aortic insufficiency appears to have increased
3. The aortic root is larger having gone from 4 to 4.3 cm
4. In view of change, consideration for transesophageal echo to further define the magnitude of aortic insufficiency and aortic root is recommended
I need some help trying to figure out my echo’s, I could not get a straight answer from my cardio nurse and My cardio is booked for the next month and I am very concerned since the readings have changed, I guess I should start out by saying I will be 49 next month and very worried. I got a copy of my medical records. I will list my last two echo’s hopefully some could help me understand what I am up against.
2 D M Mode Color Flow Doppler
LveDD: 4.5 cm LVIDs: 2.3 cm
IVSd: 1.3 cm LVPWd: 1.2cm
LA: Aortic Root: 4 cm
1. Left ventricle is normal size. Left ventricular hypertrophy. No regional wall motion
abnormalities. Overall ejection fraction is 70%
2. Left atrium is a normal size
3. Right and ventricle are normal size and function
4. There is probable bicuspid aortic valve. There is at least moderate aortic insufficiency seen
5. The aortic root is dilated at 4cm
6. Mild mitral regurgitation
7. Mild tricuspid regurgitation
8. SBE prophylaxis for all procedures that entail bacteremia
9. No pericardial effusion
LVIDd: 4.9 cm LVIDs: 2.6 cm
IVSd: 1.4 cm LVWPd: 1.4cm
LA: 4.0 cm AR: 4.3 cm
1. The aortic root is dilated at 4.3 cm
2. Bicuspid aortic valve suggested
3. 3+ aortic insufficiency.
4. There is mitral valve prolapse with 1+ mitral regurgitation.
5. Enlarged left atrium at 4.0 cm
6. Left ventricular hypertrophy with normal ejection fraction of 70%
7. The pericardial space is clear
8. Normal right heart structures
9. No evidence of pulmonary hypertension
1. SBE prophylaxis
2. Since the echo Doppler of 2/05 the aortic insufficiency appears to have increased
3. The aortic root is larger having gone from 4 to 4.3 cm
4. In view of change, consideration for transesophageal echo to further define the magnitude of aortic insufficiency and aortic root is recommended