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Lynlw Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2005
ok I'm not sure why Simon is on coumaden but this was just posted on one of my CHd groups by Simons grandmom and I wasn't sure if it was "right" lyn
He had a accident at daycare yesterday. Playing on the slide he fell off and hurt his left arm. As with being on coumidin he brusies and swells so fast. His mom took him to the ER and they xrayed his arm and did not find a fracture but he goes back tomorrow, as if it is cracked it will show up then. ER doctor did not say anything about stopping his coumidin , even though his mom told him again what he was on and why but when Liz made an followup appointment with his Dr here he said to take him off coumidin and check with Dr. Finta (pc card) to be sure it was ok. She said too that he could be off a couple of days to help the swelling. Just some information for you if this happens question the Dr about your childs meds again and again and hopefully they will listen. We have not had very good luck with ER doctors here. Becky Simons nana hlhs post fontan 3 yrs old.
I am not sure why they would take him off coumadin for this injury. I have a foot that is broken in 3 places and has a torn tendon. I did not adjust my coumadin at all. Yes, it bruised and swelled but even someone not on coumadin would have had that same issue. Not knowing why he is on coumadin, I cannot say for sure but I think stopping the coumadin is asking for more problems.
Thanks this is what I posted
Becky, I don't remeber why he is on coumadin, but was wonderring who manages the coumaden and if they said it would be safe, I'm not an expet by any means since luckily Justin is on no meds, but I know on they are always talking about bridging and things like that when they need to stop the coumaden. Lyn

hopefully she will ocome here or post a reply, the little guy is only 3.
I don't have her email address, but know some people that have it if she doesn't post soon i'll try to find it, Lyn
Sounds very questionable Lyn, you were right to counsel her to be wary of taking him off Coumadin. You may also want to tell her to go to Maybe you could also send Al Lodwick and email and get her in tough with him.


here is the post from today (for those wonderring, pc is pediatric cardiologist)

Simons arm is broken. He has a splint and sling and doing alot better. He just seems to role with the punches.
Simon has been on coumidin since his fontan. His PC said that he will be the rest of his life. He also is on 1/2 baby aspirn 1 time a day and enapritol (sp) for high blood presure. His PC was called before he was taken off the coumidin. He will be back on tonight again. These kids are so remarkable in what they can take. He is a trooper. Hopefully he will heal soon.. Thank you so much for all your concern
It is very unlikely that he will have to take warfarin for the rest of his life. There will be a replacement drug well before he is an adult.