Several weeks ago I was diagnoised with having angina attacks. I researched every little piece of information I could get my hands or computer on and the diagnosis does not make sense. Everything I have read states angina is cause by coranary artery disease, which I do not have. I have had 4 heart caths in 2.5 years and they all showed my arteries are crystal clear. The chest pain that sent me to the dr. and subsequent treadmill test supposedly indicate angina upon exertion, however, 4 days ago I began having even worse chest pain while sitting or if I got stressed or upset. This pain has been worse than any I have ever had. I comes on gradually as a slight pain and build up to a terrible pressure and pain that lasts anywhere from 2-5 minutes and the pain burns as it lessens. Can mild mital and tricuspid regurg cause this type of pain? Has anyone here experienced this type of pain?