Help/Pain & lump near incission site

Valve Replacement Forums

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Its been 3 years since my mitral valve replacement and I have developed a problem I've never had. As of last night, I've had pain when taking a deep breath and moving my arms, etc. This is a burning searing pain that also aches. I called my cardiologist last night that was on call and he told me with MY history I should go to ER. When I balked at that he said if I felt it could wait til Monday am to call and see what my cardio thinks. Well, I called then this am and the RN was to call me. I heard nothing by 3pm so I called the office again and they immediately got me a RN. She spoke to my cardio and he said he wanted a stat creatine checked and cat scan in the am. I went and had my bloodwork done and will go in at 8am tomorrow for the cat scan. When I went to the office and picked up my orders the nurse felt this place on my chest that I pointed out. Its at the top part of my incission site and its tender to the touch and aching and when she pressed in she could feel something "squishy" inside. Its really strange. What could it be? Any thoughts? Im so worried.
