Help me pray for an Easter Miracle!!

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Hi everyone,

This isn't really "small talk", but isn't heart related either, (except that the person I'm requesting prayers for is very close to mine).

I've told some of you about my sister, Patty. She's 43 years old, lives near Phoenix AZ and has breast cancer. She had a brain tumor removed last summer, just weeks after my heart surgery. She was recently hospitalized again, and she now has a tumor on her liver and a couple more spots on her brain.

Patty is a wonderful Christian woman, a wife of almost 22 years, and a mother to 11 children, ranging in age from almost 4 yrs old to 21. Yes, I said 11!!

At this point, things are not looking good for her at all, she's very weak and not able to do much for herself. There's not much that modern medicine can do anymore except to try to lessen the pain she's in. She's back at home now, and my parents and two sisters are down there to help for a few days. They're getting her a hospital bed, and a Hospice worker came in today.

Now it seems, there's nothing that can possibly save her but God, and it's going to take some powerful prayers. I know there are a lot of wonderful Christian people here who will add their prayers to mine, and ask the Lord for an Easter miracle. After all, we've prayed each other through a heck of a lot already!

Her husband is wonderful with their children, but somehow I can't imagine them growing up without Mom around.

Thank you from the bottom of my mended heart, Jeannie
Oh Jeannie I am so very sorry:( When we met in Phoenix and chatted it sounded like Patty was doing so well....going on with her plans on continuing education.

As we know, the good Lord has a plan for us all. He does not dish out more than we can handle. Sometimes I do question the reasoning, but we just go on and pray and hope things will be all right.

Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers this Easter weekend and continually. We will pray for a complete remission for your dear sister and her children.

Take care and give our best to the family. Big hello to Molly from Kara:)
I'm very sorry to hear the troubling news. I'll most certainly add her into my prayers. I'll do what I can on this end.
Dear Jean - what a wonderful contribution to the world your sister has made - 11 children! Imagine the love of 11 children. She is covered with it and with the love and caring of all of you. Such a lucky lady. I am so sorry that she has such great trouble and I pray that she is not in pain. They have proven that prayer helps, no matter what the outcome - you know she has ours. She is in mine. I pray that God do for her whatever is his will and to give all of you and her the comfort that is needed at this sorrowful time. Please tell her how much you love her, every time you can, and if, indeed, it is her time to go to be with God, please let her. If not, then all of you have been blessed again.

I'm so very sorry about your sister. She will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. She has a loving family to hold her tight.

God Bless her.
I am so very sorry about your sister. I, too have a sister who has battled courageously three times with serious bouts of cancer. I know how frightening and hopeless it can seem at times. I will be praying for you, your sister, and her family.
I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

These situations certainly put our problems in perspective. I'm so sorry for you and all of your family. I was fortunate when I had breast cancer; but there were several wonderful women I met who lost their battle. It seems there's simply no rhyme nor reason; same cancer, same prognosis, same treatment - just some folks make it and some don't. Your sister certainly has had a full life and has contributed so greatly to everyone.

She will be in my and my family's prayers this week and ongoing.

All you gals: time for mammograms?
Easter Miracle

Easter Miracle

I will keep your whole family in my prayers.
Thanks everyone!

Thanks everyone!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers at this time.

The doctors aren't giving my sister more than a few weeks at best, Patty has said that God has promised her healing... and I'm still hoping he meant here on earth. She has tremendous faith, I guess mine's been somewhat wavering as of late.

The good thing is, that her family gets to spend Easter with both sets of grandparents this year, and two of their aunts. Some of her younger ones have never spent a holiday with my parents, since me and my other 8 siblings and our families, (other than my son and his family who are also in Phoenix), are all here in MN.

I'm glad they decided to spend Easter down in Phoenix this year. If it is my sisters last Easter spent here on earth, at least it will be a good one.

Have a happy and blessed Easter all!!!

I am so sorry to hear about your sister! I will keep her and your whole family in my thoughts and prayers!
Dear Jean

Our prayers will go out to you and your sister. She's right, you know, God has promised her healing.What a wonderful Easter it will be for her and all her family!!!

Dear Jean

Dear Jean

I am so sorry about your sister. It is a very difficult time for your family. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Take comfort in the fact that people care about her and you. God does too. Sometimes what we want is different then what God has planned for us even though there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. Never forget that He can be a great source of strength to all of you. I feel so bad for you all. God Bless

Sorry you and others have to bear this bad news of your sister's health condition. She sounds like a special person and one who has carried a heavy burden.

I have often wondered why in a lot of circumstances and see it much like needlepoint. a color ends and another begins over and over again for a reason--that each is a little part of the whole picture. I hope you can see what I'm trying to say.

Our family here will add the weight of our prayers for your sister this Easter day. God bless and comfort you and yours
Jean - Sorry to hear about your sister. Sometimes bad things happen to such good people. I will join the crowd and say a prayer for her. Maybe that Easter miracle will happen.
Prayers for you all

Prayers for you all

I am so sorry about your sister,
my prayers are with your sister, her family and of course you at this very difficult time.

Love to you all

Jean, I was very sorry to read of your sister's situation. What a big, loving family she has to help her through this...I'm sending lots of positive thoughts her way.
Hi Jean, I am so sorry that your sister is sick. I will have her in my thoughts and prayers. She made a wonderful contribution to the world, by bringing in 11 children. I hope that her cancer shrinks and she lives to be 100! God works in mysterious ways, and he has a plan for everybody. Keep us posted, alright?
Jean, I am so very sorry to hear about the news of your sister. My thoughts and prayers go out to her, you and your entire family. God Bless you all.

Take Care!

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