Help! Katie's dental appt. in AM

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
Katie has a dental appointment in the morning for a routine cleaning(well, it's Katie and her first one, so it will be anything but routine. We went in for a quick lookaround before her surgery, but not a cleaning. Just hope she doesn't show everyone in the office, staff and clientelle alike, her panties this time! :eek: ). We have our amoxicillin pre-med ready to take an hour before; I think it's adequate, but hard to tell the way they mixed it............ Anyway, I had some questions, so I researched the topic on here before bugging you guys, but when I was reading some of the old posts, it raised more questions.

1) Katie had her surgery five months ago (gosh! has it really been five months? :eek: ), but I noticed in some of the posts that some of y'all were told not to have any dental work done for six months. Will one month matter? Should I postpone it? Now was just convenient because we are all out of school this week. Dr. Bove had told us not to even consider doing anything with Katie's gut for six months, but we didn't ask about dental work. She is (knock on wood) well right now, no bugs since the stomach one a couple of weeks ago.

2) This is probably a stupid question, but I didn't see it addressed anywhere. If we take our pre-med an hour before, but she doesn't get worked on for two hours after, does it matter? Wouldn't it still be in her system, or is one hour optimal?

Thanks for your input from any of you fellow hootowls or early risers. J.
1) Katie had her surgery five months ago (gosh! has it really been five months? ), but I noticed in some of the posts that some of y'all were told not to have any dental work done for six months. Will one month matter? Should I postpone it? Now was just convenient because we are all out of school this week. Dr. Bove had told us not to even consider doing anything with Katie's gut for six months, but we didn't ask about dental work. She is (knock on wood) well right now, no bugs since the stomach one a couple of weeks ago.

2) This is probably a stupid question, but I didn't see it addressed anywhere. If we take our pre-med an hour before, but she doesn't get worked on for two hours after, does it matter? Wouldn't it still be in her system, or is one hour optimal?

Hey Janet, maybe you should call Dr Bove's office first??? I know after Matt's surgery, he was adamant that dental work was out for 6 mths but I am almost positive he had his teeth cleaned before the 6 mths was up. (The new dental recommendations for our kids do not even require pre treatment for cleaning!) Matt get's the antibiotics though! Not taking any chances....

The meds will be in her system for a few hours. Does she take a dose afterwards??

Hope her visit goes well and have her wear jeans instead of a dress this time! lolol
Hey Janet,

I don't know about #1, but I have found that the dentist is very punctual with me now that I have to premedicate. They get me appointments right away, they have a red stamp on the file for anyone how premeds and I think they prioritize their timing.

Good luck.
I always try to hit the one hour mark, but I have a dentist who is good at remembering it's a precaution that we're both concerned about.:) :)

By the way, when I was Katie's age, I always bit the dentist.:p :p
I was struggling with this same issue about a month ago and here's what I decided - since most cases of endocarditis aren't linked to dentist visits, and one of the only things we can do to prevent it is keep our teeth and gums as healthy as possible, better to go to the dentist than skip. Hope Katie doesn't hate it too much! Kate
Thank y'all so much for putting upwith me!

Thank y'all so much for putting upwith me!

You know y'all should really establish a 24 hr. vr crisis hotline just for me. :D

I e-mailed Dr. Bove when I didn't get an answer by 2:30 AM.........heehee! I was afraid he might be out of the office due to the holidays, but he wasn't. He said to go ahead. Be sure to premedicate, but she should be fine. I didn't bug him with the one hour question, so I really appreciate your input.

Katie's in sweat pants, so, hopefully, no lingerie shows! And Mary, I won't tell Katie what you used to do. No sense giving her ideas. Wish us luck and thanks again so much. J. P.S. Jeanne, I checked the AHA site and Katie still hits three of the four markers for high risk. Maybe I'm checking the old guidelines??? Regardless, I'm like you. Better safe than sorry.
Hi Janet!
Wishing you all the best with Katies appt.
Hope that it all goes extremely well, if Katie doesnt do anything entertaining then maybe you could bite the dentist !! ( Just a thought !!! )
Love to you all
Ernie Wendy & Family
WendyD said:
Hi Janet!
Wishing you all the best with Katies appt.
Hope that it all goes extremely well, if Katie doesnt do anything entertaining then maybe you could bite the dentist !! ( Just a thought !!! )
Love to you all
Ernie Wendy & Family

I love Wendy's suggestion. If you'll do it, I'll contribute $25 to the "bite the dentist" campaign.
Mary said:
I love Wendy's suggestion. If you'll do it, I'll contribute $25 to the "bite the dentist" campaign.

Oh, so NOW I read this. After dropping $160 bucks, I'd have only been $135 in the hole.............sigh! Day late, $25 short. :D
Fun and games at the dentist's office...........

Fun and games at the dentist's office...........

Good news and bad news. First, the good news: No lingerie show and Trip had no cavities. Bad news follows:

Well, all my worrying was in vain, as usual. We got there a tad bit early, so they took Trip back first. While I was filling out paperwork, Katie kept herself entertained by getting 20 cups of water, using 20 different cups, of course, from the bottled water fountain and then watering their artificial Christmas tree in the reception area. Surprisingly ;) , they then decided it was time for Katie to go back, even though I wasn't quite finished with the paperwork, but it was one hour after her pre-med.

She climbed up in the chair just fine, made herself at home, and then the dental hygienist turned the examination light on above the chair. NOpe, Katie was NOT fine with that - the light was in her eyes. We told her to shut her eyes, but no doing. Finally, the poor hygienist said she would use a little light to look in her mouth. Katie clamped her mouth shut, and nobody was getting in there period!!! After much coercion and many threats of "Santa Clause is watching and making his list," she finally opened up just enough for the hygienist to take a look around. Huge cavity on the lower left. The dentist comes in to confirm this. Again, Katie clamps her jaws shut, and ain't nobody gonna get in to look. Again, the Santa Clause threat surfaces and we promise her a trip to the toy treasure chest. My little doubting Katie insisted on her trip to the toy chest first. Armed with her newly acquired rubber bouncy ball, she climbs back into the chair. Just when the poor dentist is about to take a look, Katie throws the ball up into his face and yells, "catch!" It bounced off of the dentist's glasses and out into the hall.............sigh! I, being the sadist (aka parent of said demon child - Rosemary's Baby kept popping into my mind), grabbed the ball and said she wasn't getting it back until she apologized and the dentist got to look in her mouth. Then Katie starts crying, so the dentist promised her another trip to the treasure chest. Well, that did it (my material girl). She opened up just long enough for him to look around and confirm that yes, indeed, we do have a nasty cavity that needs to be he's referring us to a pediatric dentist as he feels she is just too traumatized and will need to be knocked out to fill it (read this as his really saying, "There ain't no way in Hell, I'm working on this kid! :D ) He could be right, though. We were just there before her surgery in July and she let them look around all they wanted to back then without a fuss. Anyway, they didn't bother with the cleaning as they feel it will be better just to do it all when she's zonked for the cavity filling.

So, it's my turn. I crawl up into the chair while one of the dental techs goes out to color with Katie in the reception area. I'm getting my teeth cleaned, nodding off, when I hear a distant, but distinct, "MA-MA, MA-MA!" The dental tech came rushing in to tell us that Katie had gone to the bathroom. Well, she had locked herself in and couldn't get out. Unfortunately, they don't have the knobs where you can stick a small screwdriver in and pop the lock............nope, they have the old-fashioned handle kind! Soon, a small crowd has gathered around the bathroom door. As I am trying to talk her through the procedure to unlock the door, she manages to get it open Everyone clapped............I think the little imp just likes being the center of attention.............sigh!.............

Then I am informed that I have a cavity, too. I can choose to wait and get it filled at another time, but it will be a bit more because of an additional office visit, so me, being the scrooge, said no, do it now. I declined the numbing shot as I just wanted to hurry up and get the heck out of there as Katie had already been "good" for so long. Trip was entertaining her at this point. Big mistake! I think there are permanent claw marks along both sides of the dentist's chair in Room 2. I was okay until they started drilling........heehee! Better the chair than the dentist, I guess!

Anyway, the fun continues. We made an appointment for a consult with the pediatric dentist we were referred to for Jan. 4th. With Katie's heart issues, I don't know if he will want to do it in his office or if he will insist that we do it at the hospital. I know that some other CHd kids have had to do their fillings at the hospital. I'm sure her PC will be brought in on this at some point..................sigh! Merry Christmas to all. I just hope Santa brings me a big, stiff drink. :D Hugs. J.
Oh, Janet, after all Katie has been through, I can't blame her- enough is enough! She's a girl after my own heart. I remember that my dentist who had just started to practice and was just out of the Navy when he first saw me (at 5 years of age) told his nurse, "for 2 cents, I would go back into the Navy". Funny, how 57 years later, you still remember that!
Hope that all goes well with the pediatric dentist and that Santa brings you a big stiff drink for Christmas. Keep smiling- you have the best gift of all this Christmas- our precious, Katelyn.:D

My daughter had a terrible time with the regular dentist. Actually with the hygienist. When she was four, she was so terrified and stubborn, the hygienest ""recommended a pediatric dentist". Basically she was kicking my daughter out. She had had an emergency room visit at three years for a high fever where they did a throat culture and did it very badly where she gagged, she had two IVs cause one fell out, and she thereafter developed a phobia of things falling down her throat. She was convinced the tools would slip or fall and cut her. The pediatric dentist was worlds different. It still took a year or two til she would let them seal her molars...that's cause her helpful older cousin told her they use fire to put the sealant on. Isn't it ironic that your child who has been through so much can still give a routine cleaning a run for it's money??:) :)
Janet -

Your rendition of "Katies Trip to the Dentist" was more entertaining than the TV. I laughed out loud throughout the entire post :D :D :D

Maybe Santa needs to bring her a sweatshirt that reads:

Merry Christmas !

'AL Capshaw'
Why didn't you just bite him while he was filling that cavity? He might have given you some knock out drops free of charge!

Oh, and please tell Katie that Mary use to bite the dentist. . .tell Trip too. I'm sure they would never try to do the same thing.;) ;) ;) ;)

Oh Janet, I'm sorry, i shouldn't laugh but I am sure somewhere along the line, Chloe and Katie are related... they sound so similar. Chloe causes chaos everywhere she goes too.

Can't say I blame Katie for not letting them look. I hate the dentist too and have been tempted to bite him on many an occaision (and not cos he was good looking one!! lol).

Hope the hole gets sorted out with not too much fuss and stress for our Katie!

Love Emma
Hi there Janet,
Yes, I didnt really have to watch TV last night for entertainment , I just had to wait a bit to read your post !!!!
Maybe its the dentist who needed a drink first !!!! LOL
Seriously though, hoping that Katie gets her cavity fixed with as little stress as possible.

Very Best Wishes
Ernie Wendy & Family
All 3 of my kids went to a pediatric dentist. They know how to handle the Katies out there! It's worth it, believe me.
Yes, hindsight's twenty-twenty.......

Yes, hindsight's twenty-twenty.......

but it probably didn't help that Trip told Katie on the way over that they were going to tie her in the chair and pull all of her teeth out. He had to have two stubborn baby teeth pulled a couple of weeks ago, and wanted to share his "expertise" with Katie.

And just so y'all should know - Phyllis and Mary already know, that I am keeping a list of all of y'all who love vicariously laughing at my "Adventures with Katie" woes. Katie is going to be quite the little globe-trotter in 2006 as she visits everyone who is misfortunate enough to be on "the list." I'll ship her to the first person on the list and she'll stay a week, then that person will ship her to the next person on the list, and so on, and so on. At the rate this list is growing, I should have plenty of time to do MY time in the asylum before she gets home. :D

Yep, Phyllis, I bet that's right. He was so used to grown men sitting there taking it "like men" that it took a precocious five year old to give him a dose of reality..........heehee!

And Strawberry, I laughed till I cried as I can so relate. Cute cousin there!

And Mary, I will not tell them, but I will bite him if I can have my own drops..........if they come in a gallon size jug...........heehee!

Al, I was thinking more along the lines of just "Rosemary's baby." Too subtle?

Oh, and Wendy, yes, he probably did. I keep waiting to get a bill for HIS therapy session. heehee!

Hugs to all. Janet (Let's see.............list is 12 names long now............we're getting there.........;)
Janet - book deal, girl!!!!!! You've got to put all this in book form. I, for one, am waiting to see you on David Letterman. A book could finance a nicely appointed padded room for you and those "special" days, as well as pay for a P.I. to find your butt.