Help! I have developed petechiae!

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COLLEEN S Supporter
Supporting Member
May 5, 2008
Maryland, USA
I am dealing with this as best I can. I looked this up on the internet. I have developed purple raised bumps on my abdomen. The internet says that one cause can be warfarin therapy. Is this something to be concerned about? I was in a car accident last december, and my whole abdomen was sore and rigid for about 4 weeks afterwards. WebMD and other sites indicate that, left untreated, this can lead to necrosis (death of tissue) and surgical debridement. Can anyone comment? I am doing an INR right after I post this. I will post the results. Please help if you have had this happen also, or if you know anything about it.
When a rash develops out of the blue, it is best to see the doctor. It could be many things, could even come from scratching an itchy area too hard, but you would want the doctor to rule out the worst things for you, and get any treatment needed.
Nancy nailed it. It could be anything. If it doesn't go away in a day or two, might want to see your PCP or Dermatologist and have them look at it. Don't automatically assume INR is responisble for everything. If you have reason to believe your INR is high, then yes, check it, but if not, don't worry so much about it.
It could be a platelet problem. Joe had that frequently, and he developed petechiae with it, but it was not due to anticoagulation.

This is one of the reasons you need to consult with your doctor.

He can do the necessary testing to determine is this is the problem or if it is due to something else.

No one here can diagnose that. And even a doctor couldn't w/o bloodwork.

So I think a call and appt. are appropriate.
Thanks Nancy, Ross and INR was 2.9, YIPPEEEEEEE! So I do not think INR and petechiae are related...but I will mention the petechiae to my doctor.
I saw Mayo Clinic's site also...

I get petechiae but they're very very tiny and not as many as you mentioned. My guess is this is something other than warfarin-related petechiae.

Before my surgery, I did have episodes of broken blood vessels, after bouts of bronchitis, vomiting, etc., usually around the eyes, where the skin is thinner, and even in the eye. Once or twice it looked like I had the measles. But what you described does NOT sound like this.

Let us know what your doctor says.
I have had petechiae and they certainly were not purple bumps or any other colour bumps, they were tiny and red flat spots. Mind you with an INR of 8.9 at the time it would be surprising if I didn't have something visible.
I was curious what you found out about this. I realize this thread is 5 years old, but still curious as I am currently developing more of these red spots on a daily basis. I am wondering if I should mention it to the Dr. eventually. Thanks