Hello to all you good folks. Finally got a new date for my surgeries on 10/04. This was the first time that the Drs. could get together. Cardio surgeon seems to be in charge. Have to go to him for my Preop and then go to the Orhopedic Dr. in the afternoon. Going to be a billing mess with one private insurance and the hand is Workers Compensation. I agree it is safer this way since I am on coumadin. I think I am getting more nervous than I did before the heart surgery since I feel so good except for the hernia which is getting sore and the hand which is always sore when I do anything. I will be glad when it is all over. I felt so crappy before the valve surgery that I think I just wanted to get it done. Booked a trip to Mexico for our 40th wedding anniversay for early next year. Never been out of the country so we are really looking forward to it. Been housecleaning to get ready for the surgery on my hand when I won't be able to do much. I don't think I will be able to use the keyboard for a long time.