I am new to this site so am anxious to hear from others. I am recovering from a 2nd OHS (PVR) in 18 months and would like to hear from others like me. The first PVR was due to severe pulmonary stenosis, blown valve, severe RH enlargement, leaking tricuspid valve and right ventricle dysfunction all caused by pulmonary banding as an infant for VSD. The VDS was repaired when I was 7 and my parents were told I would be cured from then on so imagine my suprise when in my 40s things fell apart! I am having a hard time getting my full strength back after the 2nd surgery and am going to part time work as a nurse because it is too physically demanding. I would like to hear from others about if they have had this happen to them (the PVRs after banding and difficulty getting back to full strength). The first PVR was at UVA which was a horrendous experience and the 2nd at the Mayo which was a great experience. I look forward to hearing from someone. Karen