Hello, Girl from Holland here....

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Girl from Holland

my name is Karin and I was all earlier member of this forum.
During my last heart surgery 3.5 year ago (a valve replacement and a part of my aorta) I got a stroke.
Perhaps I am a little bit verandert...
But I now can accept myself as I am.
I have been paralyzed at my rightside and I am happy....
I've even get a job for 16 hours a week at a hospital.

Love, Karin (38)(from Holland ;) )
Hi Karen

Hi Karen

Welcome back to VR..Glad to see you posting. :) :) Maybe some of the older members will chime in...Bonnie
Girl from Holland said:
Perhaps I am a little bit verandert...
But I now can accept myself as I am.

Love, Karin (38)(from Holland ;) )
Welcome back. Perhaps verandert means changed. If so, it certainly describes all of us who have gone through this surgery. Life is precious!
Welcome back, Karin - I remember you. I am glad you are accepting and getting on - Never give up. My dear Joe had a stroke; he never gave up even tho his prognosis wasn't good at the time of the stroke. His doctgor told me he wouldn't talk or walk. He ended up going back to his job, driving his car, and doing the things he did before the stroke, including dancing. It was amazing. It sounds like you are continuing to progress - working is great for the body and mind. I have read that progress continues for stroke patients if the patient never gives up. Hang in there, Karin. And stick around to enjoy all the members of this forum.
JimL said:
Perhaps verandert means changed.

You?re right Jim, verandert means change.
I'm crying a lot easier than before, I?m angry because any little things what happens, but I?m happy for the (spare) time that I?ve got....
It was a difficult time, the last 3 years, but I?m a survivor.
I have a wonderful husband, and also a son out off a million
and I know who my real friends are.

Anyway...I would also say thanks to Christina....the day that I had my surgery she sent me a bunch of flowers....many roses from the USA (Tucson, Arizona)....
Christina, I said it before and I say it again....THANK YOU

Bey for now, K
Welkom terug Hollandse vriendin.

Welkom terug Hollandse vriendin.

Hallo Karin,

Dat is een verrassing zeg om jouw hier weer eens te "zien". Ik ben zo blij te horen dat alles goed met je gaat and dat je je leventje zoals het nu is aanvaard hebt. :)
Het is heel normaal hoor dat je meer emotioneel bent na zo'n ernstige ingreep, en daar hoef je je voor ons niet voor te schamen. Wij zijn allemaal maar gewone mensen en we hebben elkaar nodig in zo'n geval. Soms is het goed om er met anderen die hetzelfde meegemaakt hebben te kunnen praten, en te weten dat je niet alleen bent.
Ook blij te horen dat je wat afleiding gevonden hebt door een aantal uren per week te werken in het ziekenhuis. Dat leidt af en kun je je eigen problemen even vergeten en je aandacht op anderen vestigen. In sommige gevallen is het een betere heelmeester want er zijn altijd mensen die er slechter aan toe zijn dan jezelf.
In ieder geval, heel fijn om je weer eens te "zien" en ik hoop dat je in de toekomst niet zo lang wacht om weer wat van je te laten horen. :) :) :)

Veel liefs,
PS.. Geen dank voor de bloemen. Graag gedaan. :D :D :D