hello everyone , my story

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Jun 27, 2011
alberta , canada
Hi everyone . I've been on here a few weeks now , and have made a few posts around here , and just thought I should share my story , well the condensed version . First , from and still live in Alberta , Canada .
I Was born oct . 1971 , and diagnosed with aortic stenosis within 3 days . I was moitored yearly by my pediatric cardiologist in edmonton yearly . As symtoms got slowly , but progressively worse , I had a Cardiac cath just before my 10th birthday , It was decided intervension was nessecary and was done a couple of weeks later . It was discovered in that surgery(valve repair) that I actually had BAV . The surgeon modified the valve and turned it into a tri-cuspid valve . It was a very rushed operation , less than 4 hours in total . The repair leaked right from the start .
They continued to moitor me , much closer , until about 1985 , when it got bad enough that I could barely walk a block , and my heart had enlarged to pretty much the whole size of my chest . I was put on the surgery wait list , because at that time Edmonton didn't have a pediatric cardiac surgeon . There was talk of sending me to Toronto , but luckily , one came along in early 1986 .
On may 14 , 1986 , I was wheeled into the or at about 5:30 am for a valve replacement . I was given a choice of mechanical or tissue , and I chose the mechanical . I woke up aprox. 6 pm that evening , 1/2 hour out of surgery !! The proud ne owner of a Bjiork-shilley 21mm aortic valve , a dacron pericardial sac , and the standard gortex sternum patch . I was told there were many complications in the surgery , mostly due to scar tissue from the rushed first one , hence why they had to fabricate and replace the pericardial sac ( kudo's to Dr. penkowski , as this is something that is rarely done , esspecially back then ) As well , I was on the bypass machine for exactly 5 minutes less than the maximum aloted time , as they had difficulties geting me re-started!!
I was told to expect to be re-op'ed in 10-15 years , as I would outgrow the 21mm valve . Of course , I went through a massive growth spurt immediately .
I remained symptom free (pretty much) right up until about 6 years ago , when I started noticing that I was loosing energy . At that time , I had no cardiologist , as mine had retired with no notice to me ,and the hospital seemed to have lost my file for a while !!! (long story , good for another thread !!!!) I had always questioned my cardiologist about the 10-15 year re-op , and was never really given a straight answer until 1998 , when I was in hospital for wisdom teeth removal (yet another horror story) and they noticed some strange sounds in my murrmer . It was during all that round of tests that I demanded a straight answer from my cardio , and she finally told me , that due to my history , and the complications of my last surgery (my cardio was also in on my last surgery , as the respiratory tech at the time ) They would not do another surgery unless it was an absolute emergency , as my chances of coming out of it were not great .
So jumping back to present time , I finally got hooked up with a new cardiologist and saw her for the first time in Feb. 2010 . She wasn't too happy with what she first saw , and in the last year and a half , I have had almost every test imaginable , less the MRI ,which they wanted to do , but I couldn't have done (another story) They have determined I have definately outgrown my valve , my aorta has swelled to 47mm and there is a possible aortic anurysm right by my valve , so its time for surgery .
I have raised my concerns regarding what I was told and what my file says , regarding another surgery , and disscussed it with my surgeon . He is very confident that it will be fine , as the advances in drugs and technology are amazing from what they were even 10 years ago .
My last test done was the pre op cath , on july 12th . I will be going under the knife on August 17th . and coming out a proud owner on an On-X valve (my choice) and new piece of aorta .
My surgeon has done about 100 cases exactly like me , and one of his areas of specialty is adult congenital patients . So I am very confident in him .
So thats the majority of my sory in a nut shell . I'll be around here off and on until August 14 , when I am addmitted to hospital . Then hopefully it will be on to the Post op thread !!!
Hi, DJ, your history leaves me feeling like a novice since I first learned that I had a problem only ten years ago. It sounds as though your surgeon and my own share similar outlooks. Since I received a tissue valve, dealing with the possibility of second surgery in the future was one of my concerns. My surgeon says that with the advances made in OHS most second surgeries present little more risk than the first. I do hope all goes well with you and you must let us know how you are when you are back on your feet. I hope to see your post in three weeks or so. Take care.

Hi, welcome. My son is younger than you, 23, but also has been having surgeries all his life..the first at 10 days in 88. and in OUR experience, we've seen quite a few improvements in the last 20 years as far as surgery and the recovery period as more of the complex CHDs that need 2-3 heart surgeries as babies/toddlers have survived and doctors have learned so much from them., from the safest ways to open people with multiple REDOS and even taking care of post op effusion problems. I'm glad you are going to a surgeon that specializes in CHD surgeries. We actually saw huge improvements and much shorter hospital stays for most kids in just the 10 years between 88 and 98 when Justin had his 3rd surgery and was home in less than a week. He also went thru putting off surgery between his 3rd and 4th until the "benefits outweighed the risks", and also trying to get him as close to full grown as possible before they replaced his conduit and gave him his first pulmonary valve. but luckily they were able to help him with stents and balloons because his problem was on the pulmonary side. He ended up having the surgery when he was 17. BTW he also had big growth spurts after his interventions too.

I don't know if you found them but the forums at the Adult with CHD Org has quite a few members that have grown up having heart surgries and all that can go along with that http://www.achaheart.org/
I'll keep you in my prayers
Hi again everyone , and thanks for the welcomes so far .
Hair already done lol , nails I'll do right before I go in , thanks for th reminder - never would have even thought of that !!!! Bag , well I'll worry about that later too . Right now Its more of trying to get everything else in order . Short term disability paperwork done , power of attorney and all that other legal stuff we don't like to think of , starting to put the gardens away , as I won't be able to do it after . Shampooing carpets , making arrangements for pets , etc etc etc , it just never ends !!!! That , and still having to work !!!

Mentu , If there's one thing I've found , its knoledge is not only power , its survival in this game!!! more than once in my life have I been in an ER or doctors office , and stopped them from doing something , and reminding them , hey , I'm on anti-coagulants , you can't do that , or I have a MHV , I need to be on anti -biotics , etc .
Just 2 weeks ago , at my cath , the nurses , techs and doctor were all amazed and impressed at how much I knew , and even commented at how good that was . More people need to learn about thier conditions so they can look out for themselves !!!

Lyn . Thank you for sharing your story . Its great to hear from others that have been through multiple surgeries , and VERY re-assuring . THANK - YOU!!!!!!
I acctually had never found the adult with CHD site , but will definately be looking it up !! Most likely not until post surgery though , as I'm pretty busy as it is .
As well ,I guess I better add , If you don't see me on the post surgery forum soon after , don't despair . I don't have internet access at home , only at work , and I hopefully won't be back at work right away !!! lol . I will try to get into town one day after surgery , and get on-line to let everyone know how it went .
Hi again everyone , and thanks for the welcomes so far .
Hair already done lol , nails I'll do right before I go in , thanks for th reminder - never would have even thought of that !!!! Bag , well I'll worry about that later too . Right now Its more of trying to get everything else in order . Short term disability paperwork done , power of attorney and all that other legal stuff we don't like to think of , starting to put the gardens away , as I won't be able to do it after . Shampooing carpets , making arrangements for pets , etc etc etc , it just never ends !!!! That , and still having to work !!!

Mentu , If there's one thing I've found , its knoledge is not only power , its survival in this game!!! more than once in my life have I been in an ER or doctors office , and stopped them from doing something , and reminding them , hey , I'm on anti-coagulants , you can't do that , or I have a MHV , I need to be on anti -biotics , etc .
Just 2 weeks ago , at my cath , the nurses , techs and doctor were all amazed and impressed at how much I knew , and even commented at how good that was . More people need to learn about thier conditions so they can look out for themselves !!!

Lyn . Thank you for sharing your story . Its great to hear from others that have been through multiple surgeries , and VERY re-assuring . THANK - YOU!!!!!!
I acctually had never found the adult with CHD site , but will definately be looking it up !! Most likely not until post surgery though , as I'm pretty busy as it is .
As well ,I guess I better add , If you don't see me on the post surgery forum soon after , don't despair . I don't have internet access at home , only at work , and I hopefully won't be back at work right away !!! lol . I will try to get into town one day after surgery , and get on-line to let everyone know how it went .

Thanks for letting us know you wont have access to internet at home. Once you start doing your laps around the floor post op, you probably will find a computer to use there. that is one of the big changes in 20 years. Many hospitals have WIFI patients can use in their room (even CICUs) and almost every hospital i know of have computers in the family room for patient ad their families to use. It makes it so nice, heck i remeber in 98 being thrilled to have cell phones to let everyone know what was going on and not have to rack up big charges with the hospital phones..being able to use the laptops and smart phones is even better.
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Hi. I'm 43 and had my third heart surgery on Feb 22 this year (aortic valve replacement by Ross Procedure). The first surgery was a patent ductus repair (I was 4) , the second was to widen my narrow aorta (I was 11). They were in the early days of heart surgery - early and late 1970s. I'd always been told I'd need another surgery when I was in my 40s or 50s. There are lots of us who have survived multiple cardiac surgeries. My February surgery was via sternotomy while my childhood surgeries were through my back/side. The technology and monitoring and drugs and physio and rehab today are extraordinary.
I'm not saying it's a barrel of laughs, but it's nowhere near as terrible as I envisaged (I had bad childhood memories). It turned out my valve was actually unicuspid (very unusual) so they went in at just the right time.
If you want to read about my experience so you get a sense of what lies ahead, you can at http://www.heraldsun.com.au/ipad/a-diary-of-open-heart-surgery/story-fn6bn9st-1226058541539
Others on here tell me the article reflected their experience well.
Good luck :)
Hello from BC,
Good luck on the 17th, I'll be thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way. Hopefully you can get to a puter at the hospital and update us. It'll give you something to do at least. My Hospital stay was during the play-offs so I had hockey to keep me entertained. The nurses were kept busy running into my room as I'm a vancouver fan and my heart did the funky chicken on game days. They considered banning me from watching LOL. Thankfully my results were better than the teams. Oh well there is always next year, I guess.
Hey, djteako, my surgery sister: just wanted to check in and keep the spirit! Reading here, I've had not nearly your troubles; I'm humbled. Let's lend strength to each other on that day: whoever needs it most, gets it! Much love. J
Hey, dj, I expect that, like me, you're taking care of last minute odds and ends, and I gather that you don't have internet access and so aren't reading. No problem. Sending you warmth and good cheer into tomorrow and the big day! I'm feeling good, myself. We're almost there and over the mountain. Talk to you on the other side!
Hello Djteako,

Thanks for sharing your story. I have some similarities to you.

I too was born in 1971. Also, I had aortic stenosis and a BAV.

For me, the **** didn't hit the fan until this year around my 40th birthday. I did a routine echocardiogram and it showed severe aortic stenosis at 0.8 cm (I had no sympotms). Further tests showed a dilated aortic route.

Surgery was one month ago. so far, so good (knock on wood). I spoke to 4 top notch surgeons. I chose to have my ascending aorta ressected under total circulatory arrest to avoid the risk of future auerysms in the ascending aorta.

I chose a cow valve and will take my chances with percataneous valve technology in the future. Needless to say, the type of valve we choose is a personal and sometimes difficult decision. If there was a striaght forward answer here, everyone would be doing the same thing.

Thanks for sharing your story! In the hands of a top notch surgeon, you should get through this given your age...
Hello from another CHD'er :D
Im 17 and had four lots of OHS, i hope your next op goes well,
If you want there's also www.guch.org.uk a website for adult CHD'ers in the UK although i no your not from the UK im sure you would be welcome to join us :)
Love Sarah xxxx