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I havent posted in awhile. My Dad is doing OK. He still has afib ocassionally but has not had to go to the ER.

He did have a bout of possible food poisoning, but better now.

He is under alot of stress though. His sister just diagnosed with cancer for the second time. He has been driving to the hospital to see her as much as possible. Now she went into Afib twice , never had it before the surgery to biopsy. they though maybe stroke , ran lots of tests.

My Dads urologist took him off both prostate meds the dr at the evil nursing home put himm on, said he never shoul dhave been on them in the first place.

I havent heard back from the complaint I put in to Qualitily Assurance in Florida regarding the awful "care".

My DAd's chest healing well, just has dip at the bottom of the scar, dont know if thats common.

Couldnt have held myself together during those two months with out your wonderful support.:)


It sounds like things are coming along nicely. Sorry to hear about your aunt. It must be hard on your father to see her ill.
Hi Pam! I'm just so bleeming happy that you listened to us and got him away from that place and just in the knick of time. That was too close. You may have to write to the Attorney General or State Insurance facility to get anywhere with the complaint. I'd sure make certain that the place has a BIG RED CHECK MARK on it.

So glad your dad is out of that awful place and doing better.

Ross' idea is a good one about notifying the office of the Florida Attorney General about the kind of mistreatment given there.

The AG is Bill McCollum and here is his website: http://myfloridalegal.com/#

There are several services for protecting senior citizens that a complaint might fall under. Someone in AG's office should be able to point you in the right direction.

Best wishes,
Hey there Pam,
Glad to here your Dad is doing so much better, So sorry to hear about your Aunt. My prayers are going her way.

I too, have to agree with Ross. Stay on top of your complaint, don't let it slide. Do what you have to do to get your complaint heard and justified. Best of luck on that.

Oh yea, good to hear from you.
Take Care
I emailed the office handling the complaints and got a response immediatelty.

They are having their field office mail a letter out to me, they found most of my complaints justified.

My Aunt continues to go in and out of A-fib. Right now in the hospital she is on heparin, but they are going to start cumadin and betapace.

They told her the A fib is from the surgery to get the biopsy.

I knew when my DAd had the valve replacement to expect afib, but dind't know it happens after any surgery.

Concerning Dad. he lost alot of weight after he finally got rid of the excess fluid.. He looks pretty thin now. The good thing, even though he dosent always eat what he should,, is his type 2 diabetes is ok, and his blood pressure normal, so no more meds for either.

Good for you! I am glad you followed up. I am glad your dad is better. Hopefully every day is a better one for him. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Thank you for the update.