Heck of a Week And going....

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First, there was a power surger in my block and we were out for three hours. Then found out a new neighbor, instead of taking it to the manager's office of where I live at, returned my state refund back to the state. Hopefully it will be here soon, put in the right box. Then, having problems with my cable box. Had it signaled Staurday and this morning had problems again, not telling program title or information. Came home and called cable company. The first person screwed with me and did not check the signal. The second persin did check and tried to send a signal with no luck. Had turned it off and on and the cable still works, but not with all the channels. Can't get the movie channels. Stuck till Sunday, service call then. But they will credit my account till the boxed is fixed or replaced. I have digital cable with also pay per view(never use much). I am lost without the movie channels. Can't watch my show friday night that is an import from australia, The Tribe. I will live till Sunday. Just had to get this off my chest. Cable hurts sometimes. Thanks for letting me go off. I feel better now

Can definitely understand. I have had similar issues just today.

Changed my phone # a week ago. My brother, who is away and can only call me collect, has been unable to get through. Found out today, after being on the phone for over an hour (and talking to 6 people) that no one can call collect for 5 working days on a new phone #. Specifically asked about collect calls when I made the change and was told - no problem. Apparently only some obscure person, in a back room somewhere, knows about this little issue.

THEN - went to cancel my California cell phone since I finally got an Ohio number. Was told I have an agreement with them that doesn't end until June. They want $175 cancellation fee. Don't have a contract - have been on month-to-month for over 5 years. Talked to 3 people who all said "too bad, our notes say you agreed to a contract". I said prove it and they said their notes are proof. YIKES. Now I will probably have to deal with arbitration to settle this one.

And on it goes. I understand why some people go ballistic.
A week ago guys were working on the cable connection in front of our house, hooking up something for the apartments across the street. They did some digging, and cut my cable connection, which I noticed just as they were driving away. So I called the cable company, and they sent a guy out the next day, in the midst of our snow storm, and he hooked up a new cable, on top of the snow.
But the kicker was that he found we were receiving more channels than we were paying for, and that had to end, unless we wanted to pay more. I hardly watch any shows, but now the selection is even more limited.
guess this is the thread to tell it all.

I was sick a couple weeks ago and got so hot and sweaty that I went out onto my screen porch to get cooled off. A movement caught my eye - a HUGE TALL PINE tree over 100 yrs old was falling. I heard the SAW. A new neighbor moving into the woods cut it right down. I called the sheriff, called my daughter who came rushing home from work 20 mi away. Sheriff took too long to get here so I got into my car (in my pjs) and drove down there and asked the guy what in heck he thought he was doing, cutting my tree! He said he had to get a 16 ft wide trailer down our little road - and besides he thought it was an empty lot. Still stealing, empty or not. It's MY property and not a LOT - its acres. Turns out the policeman claimed the tree was just outside my property line on the railroad easement and the policeman simply said 'well, he has to get his trailer down this road'. Man, oh, man that ticked me. The policeman didn't even scold the guy, much less ticket him or whatever they do when somebody destroys another's property! That tree was one of several hundred in this property and it just broke my heart to see it slowly fall to the ground. Guess he thought nobody would see him at all. Then the guy cut it into pieces and I guess those are still out there at the edge of my property. Tells us to watch this guy as he respects nobody else's property or rights. They seem to be everywhere, don't they?

You're next.

I guess you're lucky your house wasn't in the way of his trailer.

What an arrogant guy and to think he will be around to do more destroying. Maybe if God has some free time he will allow a huge old dead tree to fall on this guys house.

I hope the future is not more traumatic.

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