Hearts natural pacemeker after AVR

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Oct 20, 2003
Pendle Hill, North West, England
I am 12 weeks post op and I have just got back from seeing the cardiologist. I have known for a while that I have an erratic heart beat which luckily showed up on the ECG (it does seem to come and go). The cardiologist looked at the ECG trace and said the hearts natural pacemaker was a little erratic. Also luckily I was the last patient this morning and the cardiologist had time to set up a walking stress test. This showed that the erratic heartbeats disappeared once the heart rate rose. She also said that this will probably go away over time and I am OK to do gentle exercise again (I had to stop this over a week and a half ago). This is a great relief as I was thinking it would be permanent .
Has anyone else had this problem?
