Heart sounds... What does yours sound like?

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2014
During all these years of waiting it never occurred to me to ask what my heart sounded like. Then when I finally met the cardiologist in person, one the first things he said (with a big enthusiastic smile) was “wanna hear it?” I did. Wished I'd been listening to the changes as it got worse. Mine has no “lub dub.” It just makes a single “fsssst” that drowns out everything. Reminds me of a punctured tire going fssst with each rotation. Too bad a couple of cans of fix-a-flat won’t do the trick.

So, what does/did your pre-surgery heart sound like?

Just trying to have a little fun here to alleviate some stress. I go in for catheterization tomorrow. Praying they don’t find any narrowings or blockages, and all I’ll need is a straight up valve job.
I was not offered the stethoscope to listen to my heart until after I'd had aortic valve replacement ! After listening to it I immediatley regretted not having had the opportunity to listen to it before surgery. So you are very lucky ! I know that now my heart has a very loud final sound like a bang almost which it never had when it was bicuspid - nice and quiet it was then.
I have been told mine is very loud and "text book for Aortic Stenosis". I listen to it every time I have an ECHO done. The increased turbulence from the bicuspid, stenosed Aortic Valve makes a pronounced swish sound following each beat. There seems to be a slight whistle too! Im not sure if the whistle is normal or not.

When I was kid playing baseball, we used to have a physical to clear us before each season. I would never warn the doctors ahead of time just to see their reactions....pretty funny I thought.
After having surgery I ask my cardiologist how my heart sounded. His reply was “it no longer sounds like a washing machine”.
If the noise on echocardiogram is the same as the noise through a stethoscope, then pre surgery my bicuspid aortic valve made a swishing, slurping noise ! But that was much quieter than it is now with its bang at the end of each beat !
Mine was like Ryan's - on the echo I heard no clear "lub-dub" sound. . . only a "wheeeew" sound that the tech and cardio described as a "severe late-peaking murmur."

Now, after having a tissue valve implanted, I am still not free of the murmur. I now have a very mild, early-peaking murmur that is, per the valve manufacturer and my cardio, very common and to be expected.

I don't really care what it sounds like - I'm only concerned about how well it works.
At the pre op I was given the chance to listen to my valve, as the doc called the nurse over and said come and listen to this, they both then laughed, so I was given the chance to listen myself, it was described as like a mouse squeak, my mechanical valve now just thumps, like someone kicking the inside of my chest after one year, but like Steve above I'm more concerned that it is working well.

Even my wife had a listen, and she laughed as well!!!

My aortic valve shocks people that listen to it.They all say "Why don't you get that fixed?"I Answer that it has to be symptomatic.They just don't understand and these are Doctors,not Cardiologists.
My aortic valve shocks people that listen to it.They all say "Why don't you get that fixed?"I Answer that it has to be symptomatic.They just don't understand and these are Doctors,not Cardiologists.
Mine was fixed and I was asymptomatic ! The cardiologist and surgeon went on the degree of the pressure gradient and valve area, they wanted to do surgery before I had symptoms - I understood that was the norm.

Quite honestly I would have been happy to wait until I had symptoms as I didn't find it good going into surgery when I was feeling so fit and strong and to come out feeling 'badly', I would have much rather gone into surgery feeling 'badly' and come out feeling great !
In the months coming up to surgery I started hearing my heart beat in bed before sleep. It did not really beat, but wheezed. My surgeon said my AV was pretty shot once he got in there.

My mechanical valve sounds like a watch, but I cannot hear it as I lay down to go to sleep.
Anne - It does feel strange to be signing up for elective open heart surgery when you feel great. I just got back from the heart cath this morning and everything looks really good, except the valve. So I'm just waiting now to get a date from the surgeon. Cardiologist expects it to be within a month.