Hi, I started cardio rehab today. I am on a telemetry unit the whole time I am there but something came up today that I could tell made some of the staff quite nervous. My resting heartrate is still around 104-112 so it doesn't take much for my rate to exceed 140. At about that rate my radial pulse rate sometimes then becomes about 70. This is not new for me but it caused some confusion so I just suggested they record both numbers. I wasn't supposed to exceed 140 today but uninvited it bumped up to 165 for several minutes while I was on the treadmill and had to stop while it slowed back down. I can't say I really felt any different at 120bpm than I did at 160bpm.
Does anyone have their own heart rate monitors and if you do, what kind do you have and do your like them?
Does anyone have their own heart rate monitors and if you do, what kind do you have and do your like them?