heart races why i lay down to sleep

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
does anyone else have this problem sometimes when i lie down to sleep my heart races and the only way i can get it to stop is set up and cough.i just had ohs to replace a mechanical valve had a bovine installed also have a boston pacemaker.taking potassium,beta blockers,losartan,water pill,baby asprin. don't understand whats going on
Have you mentioned this problem to the cardiologist you see? Perhaps there is something the doctor can suggest you do or take when going to bed. Check it out and let us know what you out. And it is not unusual to have a racing heart after surgery. I had to take a medication after mine to slow down the heart, it was happy be healthy again. But, all fun aside, talk to your cardio about this. Hugs for today.
my heart doesn't race exactly, but I do have a hard time sleeping on my left side because my heart beats so strongly when I do. It was worse before my AVR. I asked my cardio about it once, and he didn't have any explanations. Good luck
Mine did that regularly but sitting up didn't fix it! After both of my surgeries I woke up several times with a HR about 150bpm. Must have been some really good dreams! It calmed down totally by about one month post-op.
don't know how fast tucson but fast enough to get my attention and ski girl someone else said same thing also i eat late at night because of my job i don't get home until around 9pm that could have some effect i'm told.i will speak to doc about it and try anything to get it to stop the racing at night. tried cutting down on coffee nnone after 630pm no real differance i can tell.it seems to be the worst when im almost to sleep
heart races why i lay down to sleep

I had something similar. With a hr of 180 bpm. I had to goto the ER. It was called supra ventricular tachycardia. I had a heart ablation to correct it.
Mine is also SVT, and even with Beta Blockers has continued for years. Incredibly annoying !!
I eat dinner at 6:30, more beta blocker at 10:30, then bed at 11:30. No coffee, no soft drinks, no evening activity besides watching tv or computer. Relaxing and slow breathing helps.
Definitely mention it to your docs.
talked to cardio doc told me to take 25mg beta blocker at 9 pm instead of 5.30 and again at 9am and to cut back on caffenine and late night eating if that don't do it he will put a monitor on again.
talked to cardio doc told me to take 25mg beta blocker at 9 pm instead of 5.30 and again at 9am and to cut back on caffenine and late night eating if that don't do it he will put a monitor on again.

that is exactly what I did post op...25 mg morning and 25 mg nightly....but i would still wake up at 4 a.m. with a fast heart rate.
Now I am taking Bisoprolol which lasts longer.
Good Luck, keep us posted !
it has got better but still have some racing like you said around 4am going to go see a civalian doc this week to see what they think