I have an insufficient aortic valve, leaky and all that business. Lately, my heart has been pounding VERY hard at random times. I'm here now writing because it just woke me up out of a deep sleep pounding in my ears! I put my hand just under my left breast, and can feel my heart pounding away very hard. I also feel it in my neck usually. This has been happening regularly, always when I'm at relative rest (though one would think I'd just run a marathon!) Any suggestions?
I think I'm going to call my cardio tommorow because I'm finally worried enough.
I'm 24 years old and am taking an ace-inhibitor ... 10mg a day.
I think I'm going to call my cardio tommorow because I'm finally worried enough.
I'm 24 years old and am taking an ace-inhibitor ... 10mg a day.