Heart pounding after ascending aortic aneurysm repair?

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Aug 6, 2013
Moorpark, Ca.
Hello to all! I had an AVR replacement for BAV 7 years ago. Just 3 months ago, I had an ascending and arch aortic aneurysm repair. Since my second surgery, I have this feeling of heavy heart pounding from time to time, especially if I yawn or take a deep breath. I don't remember experiencing this after my first surgery. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the graft material? Anyone else experience anything like this? Aside from that, I feel pretty good. I exercise several times a week (combination of running and walking) without any problems.
My aneurysm was in my Arch, doc prescribed me a short regimen of Amiodarone for a short period of time and it subsided, I haven't had any in a couple of months. Did they prescribe you any heart rhythm meds to help with abnormal heartbeats? How frequent are they and how long do they last?

If they're few and far between (maybe once or twice a day only lasting a few seconds) I wouldn't worry much about it. I did and my doctor said that it's common and it happens and will eventually subside.

But if it's quite frequent and consistent, I'd think it's worth mentioning to the doc for peace of mind.
I had a root and ascending aneurysm repair last May and I have the same thing. When I take a deep breath, especially if I arch my back I feel like my heart is pounding against my sternum. At first I was told by the surgeon's assistant that it was probably due to the pericardial sac not being closed in the surgery, that it would scar over and the pounding would likely settle down after a couple months. I've seen comments from several people that have the same thing (search for pounding). One person had it pretty bad to the point they were having trouble sleeping. Anther mentioned it didn't go away until after 10 months. I spoke to my surgeon recently and he didn't seem to think it was necessarily related to the pericardial sac and suggested it could be the heart beat is transmitted differently due to the graft (perhaps the graft is touching the sternum in certain positions?). In any case, I asked my surgeon if it was anything to worry about. Should I avoid breaths/positions that cause it for fear it could harm my heart? He was quite sure that there was no risk from it. Aside from my scar this is really the only regular reminder that I had OHS. If it never goes away it is certainly something I can live with.
Thank you both for replying. AZ Don, what you describe is exactly what I am feeling. I think what you said makes sense, something to do with the graft transmitting things differently. I agree, definitely something I can live with.

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