heart palpitations

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I've always had heart palpitations along with mitral valve prolapse. Had an artificial mitral valve two years ago. Palpitations are more frequent now, and because of the clicking of the valve, they bother me more. Heart rate has stayed consistent in the 80's for two years, but these irregularities in
rhythm are quite distressing. Dr. prescribed beta blockers and Xanax. Not very effective. I've stayed off caffeine and very little alcohol. Anyone else experience this trouble? My dr doesn't seem to think it's anything to worry about.
It sounds like you are most likely suffering from either pvc's or pac's. Have you worn a holter monitor to see exactly what is going on? Dr's can easily brush these off b/c they typically are benign rhythms and the Dr's aren't the ones feeling them!

I have struggled with these off and on my whole life but they have been almost non-stop since my surgery 19 months ago. I also tried both beta blockers and calcium channel blockers as well as two cardiac ablations this past summer (both of which were unsuccessful). I am now on week three of an anti-arrythmic called Multq.

If you are really bothered by these, don't let your Dr. brush you off. I know from first hand experience how much these can change your quality of life.

Have you worn a 24 hour holter monitor so your dr can see what kind of arrhythmia you're having? My personal experience they have always sent me home with a holtor, or an immediate echo if I'm having the arrhythmia there in the office.. mine have always been safe pvcs so they just up my dose of Toprol and it works like a charm. I'm currently tapering off of Toprol, but if at any time I go into another arrhythmia episode, I will get back on Toprol as needed.. Don't give up, make sure and find a solution to those annoying arrhythmias!
I read in the other thread that you're only on 5mg of bystolic. It might benefit you to at least inquire with your doc about upping the dose and giving that a trial run. Please don't take my word for it though.
I also have a mechanical mitral valve (two years now as well) and have always had some palpitations, which also started bothering more lately. Was on beta blockers for a while, but after my second OHS I felt they made me tired and slowed my HR too much and dr. took me off. Had my yearly echo a few weeks ago and turns out I was in atrial fibrillation, didn't even know it. However, I have noticed lately that my HR is erratic at times or too fast. I wore a HR monitor for 24 hrs. last week, still waiting for the results, hope to have them tomorrow. Just wanted to share my experience since it sounds similar, except for the HR factor.
Ya, same here at times it would beat alittle differently at certain times more than other. But what can you do i figure its going to stop, its going to stop comes with the territory. I think it's just something that i have to accept, I'm sure i could go to the Hospital and they would would give me some kind of medical termelogy to comfort my worries. I've learned after two years after my mech replacement i my heart is going to stop, it's going to stop it's my time. lol