Heart Enlargement/Mitral Valve

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
Hi: I hope you can help me with this question.

I had a MI two years ago and bypass surgery. I've done great and had what I thought was an uneventful recovery. About a year ago, my PCP heard a murmer. I saw my cardio, he did an echo and found left ventricle enlargement and a mild to severe leak at mitral valve. He put me on coreg and I continued with a good diet and my regular exercise.

Six months later, he ordered another echo and found the enlargement had diminished and the leak was now slight to moderate.

Is there any hope for me that it can stay that way long term or am I kidding myself that the leak will not revert to more severe in the short term?

Once there is a leak, does it usually grow worse through time?

Thanks if you can help. You can imagine this does cause me concern.
I think it's possible that you could hold at this level for an indefinite period. "Indefinite" is the key word, so keep up those regular visits to the cardio. Sounds like the Coreg is helping.
Not necessarily do leaks and

Not necessarily do leaks and

murmurs grow worse with time. I understand your worry. I had mitral valve repair two years ago and STILL worry about every little (or big) thing. I had a moderate regurgitation of my mitral valve all my life - it was always a loud murmur - from about age 40 on, it got much worse very quickly (the 40s seems to be an average age to need surgery IF your murmur gets worse).

I think it is great that your murmur has decreased and so glad your heart size has decreased. I'm not sure why or how they do this - but it sounds as if you are okay right now and go with that! Try not to worry. Keep up with the moderate exercise and practice yoga or something to keep your stress at bay.

Christina L
I think you should have an echo every six months. If the regurg oriface is over 40 its time for surgery. Mayo Clinic are the big experts in this area. They recently published a definitive paper on this topic in I believe the May 05 New England Journal. The good news is that some of these regurg valves stay below 40 for years.
Thank you for your responses.

I don't know the measure so don't know if the number approaches 40 but I will be asking my cardio at next visit.

He attributed the improvement to coreg working as well as my careful diet and regular exercise so I certainly will keep that up.

Does coreg only work for a certain length of time and then do people build a resistance to it and it loses it's effectiveness?

I'm so hoping that for people that coreg works well for that it continues to work long term.
JKM7 Heart enlargement/mitral valve

JKM7 Heart enlargement/mitral valve

Hi there: Where in Massachusetts do you live? I grew up in Concord and my husband in Winchester.
I am unfamiliar with COREG. Because my son has similar valve issue, I am wondering whether COREG would help his condition. Susan (innercalm)
Hi Susan. We live north of Boston. I'm sorry to hear your son has the same sort of problem. I hope he's doing well.

Coreg's chemical name is carvedilol and is a fairly well known heart drug. I was on Toprol XL prior to my developing the leak. My cardio switched me to coreg and (fingers crossed) it seems to be helping so far. He also wanted me to take an ace inhibitor (lisinopril) but I could not as it increased my potassium level.

You may wish to ask your son's cardio about the coreg.
I see my PCP tomorrow for the first time since all of this arose. I will be interested to hear what she has to sa. She is the one who first discovered the murmer and I know she and my cardio have spoken.