Health insurance

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Barbara Stewart

I hope this is right thread for this post. The surgery I had last May and the one I had this past January cost approximately $400,000! Fortunately my husband had a job and the all important HEALTH INSURANCE, thank God. I never used to think about this sort of thing, but I sure do now. Anyway, my husband lost his job week before last and with it the company provided HEALTH INSURANCE. We just got the COBRA information and its cost. For a family on the EPO plan it is going to be $1100 and some change each month! The EPO is one step obove HMO, but well below PPO.

We are both mature adults. My husband is going to be 63 on the 27th and I'm 56 and not working. Thank God we have a little saved, but I don't want to lose that so close to retirement and he doesn't have a pension. We are screwed. Sorry for the crudeness. What are we supposed to do? I just applied for a job for the first time since my initial surgery, but it won't even pay our mortgage and I'm not sure my health is going to cooperate with me. I have lupus as well valve disease.

Sorry for the whining. It gets real scary out here when you're cut loose from an income source, especially when the income is high. Anyway, pray that my health holds so I can face the next months in health and spirit.

I took a part-time job with a company whose health insurance policy allows participation for any employee working more than 25 hours/week. I think there are probably more companies like mine out there. My health does not allow me to work a 40 hour week so I work 2, part-time jobs for a total of about 32 hours/week. I don't make a lot of money but I am able to pay the mortgage and my share of health insurance.
I have heard that Starbuck's, for one, offers health insurance for part-time workers. This may be an option for you.
I will pray that you find an answer to your health insurance issue, certainly a travesty in this otherwise great country.
The whole insurance thing is a nightmare.

Barbara, since you have lupus, have you applied for Social Security disability? It seems you might have a shot at it.


I second the idea of filing for disability. This could really help your income situation (though probably won't SOLVE it) and, after two years of being on disability, you can qualify for medicare, if I understand the rules right. This might be something I have to face as well, since we can't be certain my wife's income & insurance benefits will always be there (schools are always cutting back one thing or another.)

Best of luck to you, I do understand your fears, 100%.

musician2k said:
disability ...... and, after two years of being on disability, you can qualify for medicare, if I understand the rules right.

It may only be one year -- that is the way it worked for my wife who is on SS disability. One year later, she was eligible for Medicare (she is only 62).

Ooops - she just corrected me. It took her one year to get through all the paperwork to get the SS disability and then she was on it for two years before Medicare was eligible.

Btw - if you don't sign up for Medicare when they first offer it, each year that goes by, a penalty is added to where it costs you much more when you DO sign up.
I certainly feel for you with the lost income, I am currently eating into what was supposed to be my retirement fund, I now find myself hoping that I won't outlive my savings.

I hope you can resolve your problems.
sue943 said:
...I now find myself hoping that I won't outlive my savings. just put into words what has been "eating away" at me for a few years now ... whether or not I'm saving "enough".

I put more into my savings plan at work than most people my age I know. Yet, with all of my surgeries and such, it's tough to know if I have enough money..... My parents keep telling me I have enough, yet, I'm scared that I don't.


I better stop there ... or I'll get more upset... :(.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"There must be a reason for this pain I?m going through" ... Merle Haggard ... 'A Better Love Next Time'
I am sorry about the insurance situation; I never cease to be amazed at how expensive anything health related is in the US, far more expensive than other western countries. I just hope one day that all people will have access to quality affordable healthcare. :)
I'm sorry that this has happened to your and your husband. Is there any likelihood that he will be able to find a job soon?
You're both in my prayers.

Sorry to hear about your job/insurance situation.

How does your lupus affect you? My youngest sister, age 49, has lupus. It has caused osteonecrosis (ends of bones dying), some IBD, eye problems. She was a registered nurse and the lupus & Rxes she took for it made it difficult to continue working. She is on SS disability. I believe she was approved on first application, which is unusual.