Healing Slowely

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Kevin M

I've noticed that in the last couple of years, just before and then after my last VR, that small injuries, cuts and the like take far longer to heal than they used to.

For example, if I get a deep scratch or cut my finger (not needing stitches deep), it often takes a month or two to completely heal.

Same thing for little things like blemishes or bruises.

Is this just me getting older or do you think this is something I should be concerned about?

The question has been on my mind for a long time, so I thought I would just check with you guys to see if this is normal or what.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Looked at your User ID..Could it be the Aspirin you are taking everyday.....Doesn't Aspirin thin the blood?...??? bonnie
Have you been checked for diabetes? Diabetics take longer to heal. Being tired and taking longer to heal were the only symptoms I had. If your sugar is not sky high you will not get wt loss, frequent urination & extreme hunger. Just a thought.
I have noticed that there isn't differences with cuts, but bruises, like deep leg bruies swell alot more and really seem much more painful.
