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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
Recently I posted about an INR spike while taking Tylenol.
Knee was injured on a Wednesday, began Tylenol for pain, saw PCP on Friday and received both H1N1 and season flue shots simultaneously. One in each arm. Monday my INR spiked at a full point after being stable for a couple of months at a continuing dose of warfarin.
Initially I thought the Tylenol was the culprit. INR manager advised the shots could be involved.
INR back to where it belongs to-day. This is just a heads up in case anyone else has this experience.
It's fairly normal to have a higher INR after the shots. I usually don't do anything as far as adjusting the dose. I just let it go and it returns to normal within a week or two.
I wonder if getting 2 flu shots simultaneously causes even more of an INR surge than just getting one????

That question arose when I thought of the response generated by immunizations. Don't know if it's the actual vaccine that triggers the increase in INR or if it's an adjuvant (something that produces a quicker immunological response).

Vaccines can cause fever, dehydration, temporary lethargy, etc., in babies and animals. Usually doesn't produce as many of these symptoms in adults, though.
Ahah .................

Ahah .................

So I'm not as clever as I thought I was.;)

It was probably the timing two days prior to testing. My spouse checked his INR in the a.m and then had his shots in the p.m. a week ago Monday. This morning he is just where he needs to be dosing wise.

So there you have it.